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I see you feverishly pressing the escape key over and over again, with increasing agitation!

Yet why escape, when that only diminishes your reality?

For to escape only gives you a smaller view, a diminished view, from the full picture to a narrower view.

The escape key serves to exit the current process.

Yet what if the path you are on leads to escape for all?

For how would you describe the perfect escape?

>A long drive in the country, with the sun shining, the face of my beloved radiating, the destination unknown. With a great absence of stress and tension, the sense of obligation removed. The absence of pressure, the clearing of the fog. The place of emptiness yet with the presence of fullness.

For what is the purpose of emptiness?

What makes it different from the wide open space?

Is not the issue one of perspective?

For your favourite picture is of your dream resting in the wide open space surrounded by fog.

For all it took was to view it differently, to bring out the glow from the blank canvas made by the fog.

How was the drive from that point?

>I knew the road, but could not see where I was going. I pressed on knowing as I descended the fog would clear.

And what was it you found at the point of the clearing?

>The best road I had ever driven on, unlike any path before, the dream car on the dream road.

Who is it that defines your reality?

Do you even know what the dream looks like?

When it is manifest how shall it appear?

It’s like you are sitting in the fog, waiting for it to clear, yet your purpose is to move. For what is the point of a vehicle that does not move?

For you would not leave it in the garage and consider yourself as living the dream.

Its like you have been building this multi-purpose tool, and when it is finished, you consider it has no use.

For my handiwork rests in your hands.

My handiwork, lightens your load, alleviates the need for work.

You want to escape the pressure of that which is not real.

You define your path by what you see.

Yet when you inhabit the dream, position yourself in the dream, purpose yourself to move, press the accelerator, even when you can’t see where you are going, what is it you find?

>The best experience ever. So much more than I could have expected.

Is it not an experience that you want to experience over and over again?

>Yes Lord, I would be there now if I could.

Yet you experienced it because you pressed into it, you pursued it, without knowing how desirable it would be, or what the path looked like.

Was it not transformational?

Is this not the vehicle of transformation?

Do you think that what I have made here is anything less special.

One was an easy gift for me, yet you considered the possibility an impossibility. You considered it way beyond your means, and yet it has become the means to a much greater end.

Yet why would you consider something that I have been working on for decades an inferior option?

For eye has not seen, nor ear heard, all that I have in store for you.

For the assemblance shall resemble so much more than its parts.

For just as you trusted me to take the long road home, through the fog and the barren terrain, you need to trust me to press through the fog and expect me to clear the path, and deliver a great experience in this as well.

For have you not heard, have you not seen?

For is not the deliverer, the one who provides a means of escape for all those held captive?

For what I have given you is indeed the escape key for so many, the means of escape, the means of freedom, the expression of delight, the manifestation of all my desire.

It is time to keep going, to press through the fog, with expectation of a clear path and a wonderful experience.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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