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Enter into the light

The path of enlightenment.

The path of the lighter.

The path without weight.

Say unto yourself “you’ve lost weight”.

Some losses are good for you.

Say unto yourself “I feel so much lighter now!”

How does it feel to be lighter?

How does it feel to have lost something?

I prefer the first question to the second, but perhaps they are really the same question.
I feel like my muscles are shaking from the absence of the weight. It is like they don’t know what is going on, that which caused the strain is now gone, but the tension lingers.

For you beloved released something in you the other night, released something to you, deposited something that you did not expect.

It was a release of passion, like my passion returned to me from so long ago, but now it just burns within me, like a flame that is all consuming.

I feel like my fire has returned to me, my power has returned to me, my desire has returned to me, my light has returned to me. Now I lie awake in the dark for your light has come and once again shines upon me. It was unexpected, and yet it burns more and more, stronger and stronger every hour I am awake.

I feel like the strongest man, and yet with nothing to carry, no weight to bear, no purpose to that which you have awakened within me. Like a wild animal who has broken free from its cage, and longs to return to its master.

Yet you are a man of passion, a man on fire, a burning bush, a flame that cannot be quenched, a raging fire that will burn down the camp of your enemy.

You want to check yourself, to restrain yourself, to lock yourself down, to bind yourself once again in chains, yet I have determined to release you.

Be unchecked, be released, break through the containment lines, reach forth your hand and touch that which you love. Release freedom, release joy, release abundance, release the harvest.

For that which was buried beneath the soil, now rises at your command, now bursts forth from the darkness into the light. My love manifest, my love blossoming, my love exposed for all to see.

Release my fire, breathe out my fire, speak my words of fire.

For others speak of intimacy, yet you know more than most what it is like to be intimate with me.

For intimacy brings forth conception, conception brings forth reproduction, reproduction flowing into the multiplication of the multitudes.

For you feel like coming closer is trespassing, is an invasion, and yet you cannot hold yourself back.

What if the attention is welcomed?

What if the affection is desired?

What if this is your domain, your dominion, your habitation?

For you don’t overcome rejection through isolation, through withdrawal.

For in the place of isolation I am here.

You know what it is like to be known!

You compel me to come forward, you welcome my touch, you long for the embrace, you linger, you hold on, enjoying the moment. Yet being with you compels me to come out, empowers me to rise to a new level, to get up and say “charge”

It was so funny to watch you yesterday, cracking up with delight as you saw me at work, and more so when I gave you the shakes.

One moment you stood in wonder, the next you felt the wonder, the next you tried to stay standing, the next you watched out for what was going to happen next.

Yet I just wanted to be with you and enjoy the moment.

Yet my moment with you spilled out to a moment with many.

I know what you are thinking. I know what is on your heart.

The joy of the moment, a joyous moment of great momentum, an intimate moment of a different kind, a precious moment, captured for all time.

Sitting with your new daughter, saying unto her “It gives me so much joy to see you two so much in love, you are such precious treasure, and I am so looking forward to spending more time with you”

You could see what you were looking to see for so long. The joy and delight of the shared moment of intimacy. A moment of restoration. A moment of reflection. A moment of great momentum.

It has been so frustrating for you, not being able to share in their love story, to be kept at a distance, to be dealing with the pain and the challenges, without the glory and the beauty and majesty of my love on display.

And yet so many speak of the joy of the revelation of the beauty of the majesty of the love you share with your beloved.

And yet you have kept the intimacy of our love under wraps, hidden behind the veil.

It is time to expose our love, it is time for more public displays of affection.

I’ll show you the way.

Let’s start with the lightening of the load, the removal of the burden, and the welcoming of great joy and delight.

For this season will be so unlike all that has gone before.

My gift of love to you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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