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I have had enough! Enough pain, enough warfare, enough lack, enough fighting, enough restriction, enough limitation, enough….

Yet you haven’t had enough…









What is your position?

What is your posture?

Wounded, beaten, hurt, yet resistant, resilient, strong.

For I have staked my claim, I have driven the stakes deep, I have put it all on the line.

Yet what is your claim?

What will you claim from me?

I know you are not the name it and claim it type.

But it is time that you named it and claimed it.

Go ahead and make a claim on me.

You pause in bewilderment, I can see the puzzled look upon your face.

For you know I am your father.

You know I am present when two or three are gathered.

I was there when you spoke to your son, the conversation went like this…

You were talking about this weak prayer that many ask of me, they simply say “your will be done Lord”. For I know my will and I am sure that it will be done.

But then you asked your son the question. You said what is a better thing to ask?

You said to ask “What is your will Dad?”

You encouraged him to ask the question of his earthly father. A question that both you and I long to answer!

He somewhat awkwardly asked the question, after much encouragement from you.

And here was your response. “I just want you to be free, I want you to experience freedom, I want to give you the gift of freedom, I want you to have choices, I want you to value yourself, whether the car is the means of achieving that or not.”

Then you asked him the question, “What is your will my son?”

His response, “I feel so limited, I would rather not have the choice for this is the easier path.”

And your reply “What if there is a higher level of freedom to be received? If money was no factor what would you choose?”

He paused to reflect and then struggled with the answer as he could only see the limitation.

I can see that you too are struggling to answer this question.

Is this not about the freedom to choose?

Has this not always been about choice?

From the place of “no choice”, to the place of “freedom to choose”.

Yet you have always had this freedom.

Will you choose limitation or the expanded boundary?

For I have given you this choice. You carry the boundary.

For here you are in the place of expansion, sitting in the dark confined place.

Come out, come out of seclusion, for I long to see you face and hear your voice, for your face is ravishing, and your voice is soothing.

Yes I am calling you out.

Yes I am calling you out on this.

For I want you to be free of lack, free of limit, free of the pain, free of confinement.

For I am removing the boundary, breaking the limit, removing that which restricts you, breaking the chains with which you have bound yourself.

For how can you experience my fullness when you entertain lack.

For I know you want to say “when”, yet I have given you the cup of overflow.

For what I have for you is more than you can contain, is more than your “enough”.

For you stand holding out your thimble, when my giant bucket drenches you from head to toe.

You pause and reflect on your capacity to contain what I have for you.

Yet have you not seen, have you not heard, I do not respond to the word “enough”.

More and more, more and more, more and more… You know how I roll.

I’ll see your “enough” and raise you “more”!

Get ready for more than enough!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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