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And now you know.

And now you understand.

And now you really know.

And then you wondered.

And now you live in wonder.

And now you feel it don't you?

For who can know how it really feels, except you.

For no matter how you tried to get comfortable with it, what you are doing now would literally make you uncomfortable, would literally be disabling.

Yet, while your wife followed the script and said whatever, from your lips the words were mine.

>No matter what the future holds...

For you learnt that no matter, it didn't matter.

In the absence of what mattered, you pushed forward regardless.

Despite the pain, you moved.

Despite the agitation, you moved.

Despite the discomfort, you moved.

And now you know what it was all about.

And now you really know what it was all about.

And now you know.

And now you understand.

And now everything changes.

And now you have lived experience.

And now you can speak from experience about what it is like to be without limit.

For I have broken the boundary line.

For I have made you whole.

For now you are strong where you were once weak.

For now you know what it is like to embrace the unknown.

Now you know what it is like to be enhanced.

Now you know what it is like to have the limitation removed.

And you ask of me, yet you know from lived experience the answer.

You know how to practically apply what I am showing you, telling you, leading you into.

For you ask of me theses questions: "What is it like to be augmented? What is it like to be enhanced? What is it like to have no limit in the place where you were once limited."

But you know the answers don't you?

Only as you have revealed them unto me now. Augmented is to in some way be enhanced and yet separate from it.
Enhanced is to be able to do and say and act in ways that are beyond what you would normally be able to do.
And the degree to which you experience the benefits on the other side of the limitation, is proportional to your willingness to break the limit, to act like there is no limit, to exceed the limit, to be afraid and yet step out anyway.
For the one who had a limb amputated, has a limited replacement, an inferior replacement. And yet in this new world, "we have the technology to rebuild him, and make him better, stronger, faster" - in no way limited, except only in what he thinks he is capable of.

And now you step out boldly going where no man has gone before.

And yet this is now so much more nuanced, so much more personal.

For in man's world there is no cyborg, there is no technology that can physically make you better, stronger, faster.

Yet in the words of my servant "you're easy - just say thank you Jesus and lift up your hands".

It was an easy thing for me, and yet now I will make it the most profound thing for you.

Step out beyond the limit, break the chains of your thinking, get ready for a whole new thing.

For once you were disabled, and yet you are now enabled in ways that are beyond your ability to even comprehend.

For a life without pain, is only just the start of this next great adventure.

You are equipped for an era, like no-one else can even hope to comprehend.

Get ready for so much more.

Better, stronger, faster...

Just like the frog leaping over an obstacle, yet so much more capable.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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