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By what power?

To the power of?

By the power of?

By whose power?

Powered by my power.

Full of my power.

Full of my fullness.

Full of it.

Yes "full of it!"

They will say you are "full of it."

But you are full of my fullness.

They will say "how do you know what the future holds?"

For I have given you the keys.

Yet I want to hold myself back. I don't want to react, but then I am unsure how to respond.

As you once said "what is the difference between, unresponsive and non-responsive"

One is unable to respond, the other is unwilling to respond.

Yet I have made you able.

Yes I have made you able.

By whose power do you sit where you are, in a less than comfortable chair, and yet have NO PAIN?

By whose resolve, do you possess such resolution?

Upon whose authority do you make a declaration?

Yes the King makes a declaration, he does not react to the propositions of one of his subjects. He gives it careful consideration and then utters his response.

Yet I operate in two modes, one is to react immediately to that which was proposed, the other is to consider a response - but then find that the moment has past and the opportunity is lost.

Yet who is it I have chosen to lead the conversation?

For if you start it, you lead the way, you facilitate the outcome.

Yet I also want to interrupt a conversation that is leading to the wrong destination!

Start with leading the way, showing the way, guiding them along the way.

For this is your forum, your path, your course, the "of course", not the "off course".

Don't be shy about what you believe, have the courage of your conviction.

Everyone has an opinion, but you shall speak with my authority.

For I have given your words power, power to impact, power to set the course, to determine their destiny, to determine their direction.

For there will always be someone trying to take you "off course", and yet I have chosen you to be my builder, my rebuilder, my restorer, the ancient of days, the restorer of dreams, the bringer of wholeness to all that was broken.

For in time past.

For in the time that was past you showed them the way, and many followed.

And then they took you out of what was, they put someone else in charge, and went their own way. An act of great rebellion.

And yet how do you see it?

The end of all that mattered to me, a loss of such enormous potential.

And yet when you reflect on the seeds, on the fragments, on those that you were forced to leave behind, what has become of them?

They have all become leaders in their field, giants of the industry, the head of huge teams, the kings and queens of their domain.

So how now do you view your contribution?

I gave them all that they needed to become all that they could be. And yet I feel like I have left myself behind.

When my beloved lies there crying at my feet, wondering what contribution she makes, it nearly took me over the edge. For she is pinnacle of all that I desire to be, the fullest expression of all that matters, of all that is worthy, all that is valuable. Yet her posture perfectly expressed how I feel about myself.

At the moment of magnification.

At the moment of great amplification.

At the moment of great momentum.

A momentous moment of great momentum.

In the land of the giants, you have reached a tipping point.

No wonder you want to see yourself as a "grasshopper", when indeed you are the old Sensi.

The question really is "how do you see yourself?"

As the "old" thing?

Or as the "new" thing?

Perhaps like Steve, the one who was once capable, then broken, yet now better, stronger, faster?

I'd like to see myself that way, and yet feel like I have just emerged from the cocoon, to then be asked to teach others how to fly.

You need to know that I created the "old" you, just as much as I have reshaped you into the "new" you.

Here you are wondering how you will lead this generation into the new, telling me you are weary of the journey, and yet writing this in a new tool, in a new way, for a new purpose.

For the pioneer will always have the detractors, the naysayers, the ones who want you to come down from the wall.

Fear not for I will give you the words to say.

I feel like Moses entering Egypt after a long period of exile, wondering who will recognise me, if I will recognise me, thinking to myself I was once a prince here.

Yet, now more than any other time you have my words to speak.

Words of deliverance.

The breaking of chains, the breaking of all limitations, the coming out from captivity, the coming out of the shell, the coming out of exile, the breaking of all that isolates.

For they shall be drawn to you.

Do you not see that?

Have you EVER seen in the last 15 years such an enthusiastic response to your invitation?

For you will show them how to build, how to rebuild, how to gather and be gathered, how to work better, be better, yet be themselves.

For what I have given you and your beloved is out of the box.

Let me say that again, for what I have given you and your beloved is "out of the box."

It cannot be contained, it represents the release from containment, the proclamation of freedom, of abundance, of wholeness, a new way of being, a new way of becoming.

The realisation of the dream.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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