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Distance not distant.

In proximity of distance.

On the edge of being far away.

Close but so far.

What is it you see now?

Looking down from a great height as the ground recedes from view. Not flying away, but elevated by this giant wave.

On the crest of.

On the edge of.

In the place of the crescendo.

In the whelming place of the climax.

At the point of climax.

On the edge of your arrival.

Further and further away from what was known.

Closer and closer to the unknown.

Fully immersed in the raging torrent.

Led away from what was known, to inhabit the place that is unknown.

Resting, at ease in the rapids.

Inhabiting the place of the promise.

What is it you see right now?

Sitting on a mighty chariot, advancing towards a great army, like a battering ram, undeterred by the multitude. Mighty giant slain on either side, pierced asunder by the mighty sword in my hand.

A throw back to the beginning?

Yes Lord to a time at a kids camp, after the time of the intercession, at the point of "ministry time", where I ended up on the floor, and the pastor asked me, what was going on for you at that moment. The first and last time I've heard that question, but I was unafraid to answer it.

And now what does that remind you of?

A prophesy from an old friend, that said I would be like a fish that flys out of the stream that runs down the mountain, in order to occupy that which is above. Going against the tide, bursting out from the multitude to go in the opposite direction.

And you know that is possible in the natural order, yet what is coming is so much more than that.

For you know I am just getting started.

You wonder when and where this journey of growth with stop.

And you boldly declare unto all to say unto themselves "my haven't you grown", and yet you still see yourself as small and insignificant.

Yet I am elevating you to unknown heights, to untold heights, into the spotlight, a powerful voice in this era that is to come.

Some will accuse you of having your head in the clouds, others will acknowledge you as a giant who sits head and shoulders above the rest.

As you step in, as you emerge, as you return to that which you left behind, as you declare the words I have placed on your lips, I will cause many to follow you.

Be undeterred, be without deterrence, welcome all to come, fear not the multitude, but invite more to come.

What is it I have shown you now?

A huge auditorium packed with people, and with many standing in the aisles, and then the words you have placed on my lips echoing throughout the room "Is this all that can fit, please make room for more, invite more to come!"

I know what you are thinking, how you are feeling, I know you want to step back into your shell, but you know it is I that is calling you out!

You wonder how they will react, you wonder what you will say, you say unto yourself "I am not a people person, my beloved is so much better equipped for the role you have ascribed to me".

Yet I have anointed you, I have appointed you, you shall be my mouthpiece, you shall be my microphone, you shall be my amplifier.

My words on your lips, shall be like honey dripping with sweetness, falling like the dew on their ears.

For you want to stand back from yourself, you want to retreat from yourself, you want to turn inwards, you want to retreat from yourself.

But my love compels you, my love propels you, and now you find yourself on the other side, on the outside, standing on the podium of greatness.

And now you know.

And now you know.

And now you know.

And now you have knowledge.

And now you have understanding.

And now you have revelation.

And now you shall have manifestation.

And now you shall be unveiled.

And now you shall be my instrument, my threshing instrument, the one who flattens the mountains, the one who makes that which is overwhelming plain, the one who flattens the obstacles, the one who shows them the way, the one who paves the way.

For this is such a small thing for me.

And soon it will be such a small thing for you.

For what looks enormous to a child, looks tiny to the one who becomes a giant.

For you shall look upon this time as such small beginnings, like grains of sand in a sandcastle, that has now become a giant castle made of stone, with traces of sand from whence it was built.

For I intend to amplify your voice, to give it such impact that you see the ripples in the atmosphere, the literal impact on the walls around.

For you know what it is like to literally shake the walls, by the power of the words I have placed on your lips.

Was this battle not about your desire to stand, did you not speak at the time about, how you wanted to stand, but could not, that the devil kept you in your seat, and stopped you from arising.

Well the time of your breakthrough is now, the time of your arising is here.

For you know I have shifted you!

Yes Lord I have been shifted so many times that all I want to do is stay in one place and not come out.

But this is not what I have shown you is it!

No I see you have pushed me out of the door, upon the podium, into the elevated place. For a fleeting moment I feel like I shouldn't be here, but then I realise this is my position, this is my time, this is my assignment, this is my destiny.

Did you not speak with my authority in your last meeting?

Did you not feel completely comfortable in your position of authority?

At any point did you feel that the situation could be out of your control?

No Lord, I felt that you had shifted me into a position of authority.

So now go out and proclaim what is coming next, go out and stir the masses, go out and extol the benefits of the creator, the one who creates.

For I have created this path for you, the path for the creatives, a whole new revelation of all that is now out of the box.

Consider yourself now a "Public Figure", for I have given you my endorsement, I am not holding back.

For what was once a considered a curse, shall now become a symbol and a source of the greatest blessing.

For my blessing now flows over the edge, drips over the edge, cannot be contained, must burst forth, must overwhelm all the plans of the enemy.

For my streams shall flow in the desert place.

For my words shall flow in the barren place.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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