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Drop the ball

Go ahead. ..

Go ahead and drop the ball.

In fact release all the balls.

An overflow of balls.

Falling down all around.

Like bowling balls.

For every set of pins put up by your enemy shall be bowled over by my balls.

Every set a complete strike.

Not one left standing.

Not a spare but a strike.

A complete strike out.

A complete bowling over.

No need for an alley.

No need to ensure the right aim.

Just drop the ball.

Seriously just drop the ball.

Go ahead and drop the ball.

Release the balls.

Break free from containment.

Cut the ties. Break the binding. Release the balls.

Come out of restriction.

Break free from the net.

For you shall find the fruit in an unexpected place.

Buried in the flow.

Underneath the flow.

Not bruised or battered, whole like no other. Shining brightly like no other.

Full of lustre.

Swept away, blown away.

For the wind is coming, a fresh wind is coming, a fresh fire is coming, a new era is coming.

For what is it you see?

The wind blows so strongly that it splits the trunk of the strongest tree.

No need to chop the tree down.

For I am clearing the path.

I am making room.

I am preparing the land.

For this place is too small.

What I have for you is so much bigger than you expect.

First the flow, then the overflow, then the fullness.

For now you see, soon you shall have impact, for my wind is coming, my fire is coming like never before.

For my wind breaks down that which was established.

Splintered for firewood!

So what is it you see?

Piles and piles of firewood, set as a camp fire, in rows across a broad field, awaiting the lighting.

For when the fire comes.

For when the fire comes…

For you shall walk along the rows and place your hands upon the wood, and it shall come to flow with my fire.

For I am building places of intimacy, alters of intimacy, dwelling places for my people to commune with me.

For you shall occupy the place of intimacy.

For you shall ignite the flame of intimacy.

Place your hands upon the wood and I will provide the fire.

For they shall be drawn to your light.

For they shall be drawn to my fire.

What is it I have shown you?

Small groups each gathered around their own fire, drawn to the warmth of it, shown the way by the light of it. It draws them in like a moth to the flame.

For behold I am doing a new thing, do you not perceive it, will you not partake of it, will you not ignite it?

For I know the way you take.

Bring forth my fire, light my fire, bathe in the glory of my fire.

For who needs to carry a ball, when you carry my fire!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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