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Drawn but not drawn out.

Drawn but drawn out.

Drawn to you.

Drawn by you.

Coming out to see you.

For I have instructed them to pay attention.

You will get used to it.

Used to all the attention.

Don’t be shy, come out, come out wherever you are.

I say unto you don’t be shy. Put off all shyness. Take off the mantle of introspection. Do not look upon yourself, just laugh at all the work of my hands.

Wherever you are, I am.

Whoever you are, I am.

You shall be my representative.

You wonder how you will do it. You pause and try and adjust yourself. You stress over all the details of how you should look.

Yet this is unlike you.

Since when did you care what people think?

For you always felt loved and accepted despite all the accusations, the ridicule, the distain.

What has changed?

Thrust out into the limelight, the main attraction, the leading man, the director, the celebrity. I did not ask for this.

Yet you remember these words so well.

I am going to make a spectacle of you.

You did not want all the attention, yet I called you out on to the stage.

You did not put to hand up to go forward, you did not ask for all the attention.

Yet I called you by name.

I compelled you to come, I had words with you about this.

For you do not respond to the instruction of man, only my instruction causes you to act.

Thrust into the limelight.

More and more, on and on, more and more.

If I have put all this greatness into you, why would I keep you hidden?

Lord I’m just trying to keep it together, mind my own business, and sit the corner away from everyone, yet I feel your presence, the manifestation of your presence. For they do not know, they will not understand. After church they even comment that I have got sunburnt, yet it is the radiance of your presence they see.

Come to attention.

Do not veil your face.

For I want them to know that you have been with me!

For you know I am just getting started.

Do not hold yourself back, just hold on to me, for IT SHALL BE GLORIOUS!

Expect the unexpected.

Time after time, time after time, this is the time of the times, the times of multiplication.

For you see the work of my hands like never before.

When you are out, just minding your own business, you are in fact minding my business.

There you sit in the dream car, aging so popular that you see them everywhere you go, evidence of the multiplied dream.

Yet I have drawn attention to yours. What a laugh that your stock, standard car was selected above all for specific attention.

You know how I roll.

You know how I roll.

You know how I roll.

You can’t even fill up with petrol without someone coming cover for a long chat.

For you know it is the work of my hands.

The drawing of attention.

The drawing of connection.

The reshaping.

The restoring.

The proclamation of restoration.

The proclamation of restoration.

The proclamation of restoration.

Let me make an announcement RESTORATION!

For this is no one off event.

You feel the shift.

You see it now, the place of the turning, the place of transformation, the pivoting of perspective.

The pivoting of perspective.

One minute looking one way, the next minute looking in a completely different direction.

The place of the turning.

The place of the turnaround.

The place where I will cause the turnaround.

For you shall walk past, and they shall turn around to see you, to talk about you, to follow you.

Come out of seclusion.

It is time to come out of seclusion.

For you wonder how to hold yourself, how to contain yourself.

You feel so uncomfortable.

It is like a dream, that you cannot wake from.

You find yourself the centre of attention.

Knowing not what to say, or what to do, yet you know that it the work of my hands.

You want to run away and hide.

You feel the tension rise within you. Yet this is me bursting forth with excitement.

You look upon yourself and literally wonder who it is speaking.

You see the laugher upon your face and theirs and wonder who it was that made the joke!

Did I not say, don’t come to your senses.

Just feel my presence.

Just respond to my voice.

Just hear my words upon your lips.

Just expect me to move.

It is going to be spectacular.

Power times power, more and more, on and on, line by line, precept by precept, step by step, queue upon queue.

An explosion of grace.

An in filling of fullness.

An impartation of love.

An illuminating experience.

Just let go of yourself and be me!

For so many have been crying out to meet with you, in order to meet with me.

You sense it like never before.

The coming.

For this is the time of your coming.

Invited to come.

Everyone will want you to come.

They will love the coming and the going.

They will come one way, and leave another.

They will receive much more than they expected.

For I have given you my fullness.

You feel it in your hands right now.

My fullness on display.

A fountain of fullness.

Like a well watered garden that never runs dry.

For you go with my flow.

Be released, for I have released you.

Shine with my glory.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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