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Brokenness all around.

All that you think you have are fragments.

A piece of this and a piece of that.

Pieces of your mind, here and there.

Yet before.

Yet before you go.

Yet before you go to pick them up, they vanish before your eyes.

In search of the broken, yet all you find is yourself.

Here in the empty place.

Sweeping out the empty place.

Removing the dust from the empty place.

Clearing out.

Moving out.

Taking out.

Walking out.

Departing from.

A departure from.

Leaving behind all that was.

For behold the past has passed.

The time of the times is here.

The time of your time.

The time of your timing.

The timing of your time.

The alignment of the passing.

The stepping into.

The stepping away from.

The walking away.

The walking towards.

The time of the removal.

The time of the re moval.

The re shaping, the re moulding, the re newing.

For you go looking for the old but shall find the new.

Why look for the living amongst the dead?

For that which is past has passed.

What is it you are walking towards?

The dawn of the new. The light rising, the darkness falling, the embrace.

Yes the embrace.

At first from a great distance.

Like embracing that which I was forbidden.

Standing at arms length.

Trying to be at arms length.

Trying not to touch that which was forbidden.

Wrestling with the old, yet looking to embrace that which is new.

Such fear and trembling.

Yet I object to that which is abject.

A pushing through.

A drawing towards.

You know what I am saying.

For I set you up.

A manifestation of all that you desired.

Beauty beyond belief.

My glory on display.

Compelled to walk towards.

For that which I placed within you, rose up, was lifted up, was leaping for joy.

Excited by the prospect.

Yet holding yourself back.

Yet you know how I roll.

Attracted to my glory.

Compelled to move.

To move beyond that which was holding you back.

Leaping forward.

For you knew in that moment all that I have planned for you.

Is she not the full expression of my delight?

For it was I that invited you to come.

Beckoning beyond your reckoning.

Unreasonable, beyond all reason.

Drawn to all that my hand had drawn.

Compelled to embrace.

Unable to resist.

The manifestation of my desire.

The manifestation of all that can be desired.

Drawn to the new.

I am so amazed by the way you set me up Lord! For I could not stay. I could not stand back, even though I had no idea of how to move forward. It was truly your kindness, gentleness and condescension that has made me great. I love how my love always shows me the way, always holds my hand, and invites me to embrace the new.

For I have placed within her all my desire.

It is I that calls you forward.

Come forward.

Come to the front.

Embrace the fullness of my desire.

Leave the whole thing to me.

For as you step out of the old, I present before you the new.

For I am unveiling it before you now.

More and more.

More and more glory.

More and more delight.

More and more excitement.

Beyond your belief.

Way beyond all you expect.

Far and above.

For it a only took a moment, one glance, to see the full expression of my desire.

Without words.

Without understanding.

Without any precedent.

With no frame of reference.

You knew all that was to come.

You knew it was a life changing moment.

For you from that moment are in pursuit.

You cannot stand back you must move forward, you must be with her, you must go with her, you must embrace all that you cannot grasp.

For I will restore unto you the years the locust has eaten.

Time shall be of no consequence for you.

For at the appointed time you will reap.

You shall not be behind hand on that day.

For I a redeeming the time.

A reversal of all that was broken.

The delivery of wholeness instead of brokenness.

An un breaking.

The establishment of that which is unique.

The manufacture of the fruit of the fire.

The birth of that which is new.

From emptiness to fullness.

From darkness to delight.

From down to up.

To restore wholeness.

For I am drawing you out.

I am birthing a new thing.

The work of my hands, my handiwork on display like never before.

Get excited.

For your heart shall thrill and be radiant.

Isaiah 60:5 Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and tremble with joy [at the glorious deliverance] and be enlarged; because the abundant wealth of the [Dead]Sea shall be turned to you, unto you shall the nations come with their treasures.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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