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Dramatic Shift

Can you feel the shift?

Can you feel the SHIFT!

Just hold on a minute.

Just hold on to me.

For I am pushing you forward.

For I am propelling you forward.

No longer behind in the wake, now in front causing the wake.

For what is it you see?

For how it you feel?

Over the edge. Upon the edge. Resting upon the edge. Riding upon the edge. Then a HUGE shift. A giant movement. Like riding a wave but not a wave. Holding on to the edge.


It’s only me!

This is the work of my hands.

I am pushing the boundary.

I am pushing the literal boundary.

Far beyond the natural.

Way over the edge.

Far beyond the edge.

Yet this is no disaster movie!

A massive crescendo, a whelming climax, a huge wave rising before you, rising beneath you.

Just hold on a moment.

For the time of your rising is here.

There is no holding back, just holding on.

For you shall ride this wave to the shore, to be sure!

Carrying so much power.

Dramatic impact.

The shall be a dramatic impact.

Not normal. Not natural. So unexpected.

All will pause in wonder, with awe and wonder.

For this is no naturally occurring event.

For my glory shall drip from your hands.

Rainbows of colour all around.

Dropping all around, flowing over the land, my promised land.

A majestic moment, a moment of majesty.

Say ahhhh!

Prophesy ahhhh!

An easing.

A calm.

A moment to take a breath, to breathe again.

A moment to celebrate.

A moment of delight, a moment of great satisfaction.

A moment where what was hoped for arrives before you.

Like a tree of life she came.

One drop of my kindness was all that you needed. A moment of majesty. A moment of glory.

Yet that which is to come is so much more.

Joy that sticks.

A flow of sweetness.

An outpouring of kindness.

An overflow of love.

A dramatic shift.

A moment to remember.

A defining moment.

A breaking forth of my delight, my new creation, a moment to take flight, to soar above.

Take my hand, let’s go up higher, to the elevated place, to the highest place, to governing place, the ruling place.

More times more.

Kindness times kindness.

Kindness multiplied.

An abundance of kindness.

For you shall be known for your kindness.

Many will follow you and be of the same kind.

For to look upon you will bring forth a smile.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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