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A great downpour.

I am prophesying a great downpour.

A great pouring out.

A great pouring.

The greatest downpour.

Pouring upon pouring.

Rain upon rain.

The cupping, the capacity broken.

The calm disturbed.

The resting pour, disturbed.

The disturbance of calm.

The disturbance of capacity.

Beyond capacity.

Beyond fullness.

Fullness beyond capacity.

Flowing over. Flowing over. Flowing over. Flowing over. There shall be a flowing over. Over the edge. Over the edge. Beyond the edge. The tipping point. The point of the tipping. Out of balance.

Forward momentum. In this moment you shall be forward. Unable to turn back. Unable to flow back. The back flow. The flow upon your back.

The flow of the promise. The promised flow.

Down the drain. Yes down the drain. Flowing through the small opening to the large opening. From above to beneath.

From the grate strain to the great gain.

Amidst the cracking of the lightning. Amidst the great storm my light shines so brightly.

Lighting up the darkness, the darkest night.

Rain upon rain.

Reign upon rain.

You can see it in the water.

Reigning down from on high.

From the highest place to the lowest place.

I am breaking through the cracks.

I am bursting through the seams, the seems.

Pouring down. Pouring out. The great downpour.

Form above to beneath.

Filled to capacity.

Flowing down from on high, the highest place.

To the depths of the deep.

My fish farm.

The illuminated place.

The protected place.

Filled up to capacity.

Pushed to capacity.

The push of fullness upon the place of lack.

Poured down, filled up, pushed to capacity.

Beyond containment.

The illumination of the depths.

The illumination of the deep.

For my light extends to the darkest place.

Lightning up for all to see.

For I am lifting high above that which drains.

From beneath to above.

The lowest place to the highest place.

From the depths to the highest place.

From the place of the drain to the place of the gain.

For that which was beneath shall now rest above.

For that which contains my flow shall never run out.

For my flow needs nothing to contain it.

A sprinkle here, a sprinkle there, a giant trestle elevated to the highest place.

For it shall be known as the place of the flow.

A monument to my flow.

Genesis 7:16-18 And they that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded Noah; and the Lord shut him in and closed the door round about him. The flood that is, the downpour of rain was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased and bore up the ark, and it was lifted high above the land. And the waters became mighty and increased greatly upon the land, and the ark went gently floating upon the surface of the waters.

“Plenty left over”

“Pressed down shaken together running over!”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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