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Without doubt.

In the absence of doubt.

With the loss of all doubt.

Beyond reasonable doubt.

Beyond the reason to doubt.


Doubt only brings less, when I have so much more for you.

More and more, more and more, more and more, more multiplied, multiples of more, beyond all ability to contain.

This is what overflow looks like.

Beyond your ability to contain.

Beyond the point of containment.

Beyond the confines of your confinement.

Beyond the border that marks your old territory.

On the other side of limitation.

On the other side.

Upon going to the other side.

Across the boundary of one land, to the boundary that defines another.

To the land of the promise.

To the place of the promise.

Filled with your people.

Filled with those who know you by name.

Filled with a mighty reception, a rapturous reception, a falling at your feet as you enter the territory I have appointed you for.

It is the place where you don’t have to do anything, it is the place of the knowing, it is the place of the being, it is place of your arrival.

This is what it will feel like.

One comes through the door, only to feel your presence on the other side.

The warmth of your fire attracts them.

The warmth of my love astounds them.

They want to reach out and touch you.

It brings such joy and delight to your heart.

You just have to laugh at the moment, to celebrate the moment, a moment of glory, a glorious moment.

The place of habitation in the place of inhibition.

Yes that is it, the place of habitation in the place of inhibition.

I know you tried to explain it, but you had to be there, you really had to be there.

For out of intimacy, all doubt is banished, all fear is running scared, all that hurts is healed, all that is lost - is found, all that matters is my presence.

For who can explain explain what it feels like.

It is the place of desire.

It is the place of peace.

It is the place of comfort.

It is like being wrapped up in a warm blanket.

It is a barrier to all that would harm, and a block to all that would come against my love.

It is in the embrace.

The embrace of mystery.

The embrace of wonder.

The shedding off of all that stands in between.

The removal of that which stands in between.

The banishment of that which separates.

The removal of that which stands guard.

The granting of rights to access.

The giving and receiving of keys.

The simplicity of the exchange.

The breaking of all that contains.

The release of freedom.

The exchange of strength.

Bathed in the delight of my desire.

The proximity of closeness.

The opportunity to come closer.

The drawing of the line, the crossing of the line, the removal of the line, the blurring of the line.

A moment of great comfort.

A moment of joy and delight.

An embrace of wonder.

An infusion of wonder, refuelling from the source of all wonder.

The place where nothing else matters.

The habitation of joy.

The receiving of joy.

Does it not just make you laugh!

Yes Lord, I know your love is such a gift, such a delight, a source of light, such an opportunity for delight. The place to just receive and give gifts.

Shake off any sense of the awkward.

Get used to more and more public displays of my affection.

Don’t be drawn in to explaining what happens, just go with my flow.

For wherever the gospel is preached, alongside that is a very public display of affection, a public breaking of the box, a reckless display of love and intimacy.

I know how much this upsets your enemy, but since when was that a concern for you!

For he tries to belittle, to make small, to diminish that which matters to me the most.

Get ready for so much more.

An overflow of my love and affection.

A breaking open of the most precious treasure box.

The place where I keep my most precious jewels.

Psalms 126:5-6
They who sow in tears shall reap in joy and singing.
He who goes forth bearing seed and weeping [at needing his precious supply of grain for sowing] shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

In the absence of doubt.

With the absence of doubt.

Without a doubt.

For certain.

With certainty you shall come again with rejoicing, bringing my sheaves of blessing with you, the evidence of a fruitful, abundant harvest with you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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