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Double Take


For it is not as it seems.

You seem to think as before.

You seem to think you will wrestle with the old issues.

You seem to expect things to be the way they were.

But it is not as it seems.

You say to yourself “it seems to me”.

You have come to the wrong conclusion.

Your expectation is off course.

You say “off course” not “of course”.

I am messing with you.

I am messing with your perspective, your perception.

It is time to have another thought.

You want to relieve yourself.

You want to take a permanent vacation, and then be your own substitute.

You want to empty yourself, relieve yourself, take all from yourself.

Yet am I not your relief.

You would rather sit in the dungeon of confinement, than take a hike.

You want to be inside, not outside.

You hold yourself back.

You’d rather take yourself out, that be out with another.

You’d rather relieve yourself than release yourself.

You’d rather sit amongst the tombs, the dead things, than leave the cemetery.

Yet I say unto you “come out, come out wherever you are!”

I say unto you “be free, become free, demonstrate freedom, release freedom, show off freedom”

You sit in the darkness, and yet my light shines upon you.

You sit in the place of abject lack, in the pits, in the pit, yet my light rises upon you.

It oozes from the walls all around.

More and more, in the place of less and less.

Nevertheless, NEVER THE LESS, only the more.

This is the season of more and more, an overflow of more and more.

You want to say this to your daughter, but first say it to yourself

I have this picture of you, where you have been given the highest award, and are invited on to the stage, but have your arms crossed and want to be bound and gagged. Stop acting like a prisoner and rise to your new position, accept my promotion. Unfold your arms, lift your hands in power and authority.

The word for you today is “DOUBLE TAKE!”

You are invited to receive more, at the time you least expect it.

There you are just minding your own business, doing something therapeutic, just washing your car, enjoying the gift I have given you. Living the dream. Revisiting the dream. The one constant in the place of great uncertainty, the place of desire, the place of joy, the place of release, the vehicle of transformation.

Sorry to interrupt you!

Sorry NOT sorry!

Hey mate, stop what you are doing and come over to where I am!

Your response was priceless, I was cracking up so much.

I was going to say “sorry for messing you up right now”, but I want to mess with your thinking!

In the place where you are cleaning up your mess, I am messing with you!

I have used a card on my wash and have $15 credit, so why don’t you move your car into my spot. He was such a big giant of a man, even though I had just started my wash I felt compelled to move quickly. So I moved over to his spot and found that there was only a minute left on the wash. Thinking that he did not understand how it worked I then moved back to where I was originally which had more time. I started to wash again but then had another thought to go and check again in his bay, and indeed there was a credit there for me to use! Initially I felt so stupid, and ungrateful, but then heard your words “it is not as it seems”

It is time for you to do a double take, to go back and collect double for your trouble.

Take off the old tattered coat of comfort, the dirty old sack of darkness and depression, the torn and worn out thing that you wear.

Stop wearing that which is so worn out!

Take it off!

For it is time to take off the sackcloth and ashes and rise to a new life.

Beyond your wildest expectation.

Seriously on a whole new level.

It will feel so unseemly to you at first, so much the opposite of what you expect.

It’s like you are holding on to the precious necklace that you bought for your beloved, so tightly, with such passion and determination, with great fear that if you let go all will be lost.

Yet in my hand I have the brightest, biggest, most dazzling gift in my hand, waiting to give it to you, once you have released your grip on that which you hold on it most dearly.

Just close your eyes and put out your hands.

For what I have is so much more than you expect.

For you shall be like Joseph in this generation.

Taken from the prison to the palace.

Washed and cleansed from all that has gone before.

For what was before you has crafted you into who you are. Is it not the work of my hands?

You go to have a look at your CV, to determine your worthiness for the position on offer, yet it is not as it seems.

Imagine if the Pharaoh had introduced Joseph to the people in the usual fashion?

A dreamer. Hated by his family. Sold into slavery. Accused of rape. Thrown into prison. Promoted to the highest place because he interpreted my dream!

Yet he accepted the position on offer.

Yet he took upon his shoulders the robe of royalty, the robe of authority, the position of power.

Look out for so much more.

Shake off the shackles of the past, rise to a new life.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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