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Dive in

Dive in.

How do you see it?

A picture of myself diving into the great ocean of calmness and creating a wave.

How do I see it?

A giant ripple forming in the centre of the calm water, before I dive in.

Don’t you see it?

Before you have acted I have already impacted.

Let me say that again…

Before you have acted I have already impacted.

In advance of your expectation.

Ahead of schedule.

The effect before the cause.

The output before the input.

The consequence before the action.

Say unto yourself “I’m getting ahead of myself”

Say unto yourself “I am ahead of myself”

You are planning for the after, not the before.

Yet I am before you.

I have caused a disturbance.

Out of order.

Out of sequence.





Before you had planned it.

Before you moved, I started it.

You wait for the natural sequence “ready, aim, fire!”

Yet before you could prepare all you could see was a great fire burning.

Out of control.

Yes out of control.

The conclusion coming before the introduction.

The last step first.

Why does this concern you?

Are you not like your son, jumping in with great gusto into the pool, without regard, completely without plan, without consideration?

You want to pause and reflect.

You want to consider your options.

You want to say “after due consideration I…”

Yet you can see I have already dived in.

You know what this means don’t you?

If you have dived in, who am I to step back and be all shy about it?

Yes you can see it written all over my face!

Yes I can see you great smile, lighting up your face, I can feel your excitement.

Can you not be ahead of yourself?

Am I not ahead of you?

Am I not before you?

Just follow me!

Seriously just follow me.

Did I not say you will take the first step upon the well worn path?

You wrestle with yourself. You want to stop and walk away, you want to leave yourself behind, yet you will not leave without a blessing.

There you sit with yourself.

You want to consider everyone else, yet have not considered yourself.

It is time to make up your mind.

First the foundation, then the overlay, then the base sheet, then the second sheet, then the blankets, then the bed spread.

For you know how to make your bed, but you need to know how to make up your mind.

Let me show you the sequence.

Look for the best place to jump in, and then go for it, take the leap.

What the heck man! That was unexpected. I had it all lined up and took a great leap into the pool, only to find that I landed miles out in the ocean!

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!

You just want to take the small step, but it is time for a giant leap.

For I am adding a spring into your step.

You go to take the smallest feeble step, the safe step, the reasonable step, but it is time for the huge leap, the rising to the pinnacle, the unreasonable step, the step beyond reason, the unreasonable step.

For the impact is assured.

You can see the tidal wave rippling over the land.

My work has already begun.

The rollout ahead of schedule.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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