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The disturbance of the pattern.

The pattern of disturbance.

I am disturbing that which disturbs you.

Back to front.

Front to back.

Upside down.

Topsy turvy.

The agitation of that which was calm.

The calming of that which was disturbed.

The suppression of the uprising.

The rising up of that which was suppressed.

The rising up of undefeatable strength.

Emboldened to abolish..

The turning of the the tide.

The withdrawn of the advance.

The advance of the withdrawal.

The mist falling on the fire.

The fire falling upon the water.

Put on that which you have set aside.

Take up your sword.

Put on your armour.

Put on your mighty armour.

The armour of the one who is mighty.

For I have given you the power to break strongholds.

More power, more and more power, power to break the chains of oppression.

For you can see it now.

The breaking of a giant chain, the chain the holds the anchor.

For that which holds you fast, shall break.

You see it again don’t you?

The pulling of the strongest chains, causing the very ground to break free.

For I have given you the strength of Samson.

The power to wreak havoc, to utterly destroy the enemies camp, the enemies place of habitation, the habit of the enemy, the place that he holds so strongly.

For it shall not be as it was before.

Patterns of disturbance.

A disturbance of the pattern.

You see it now don’t you?

The force of the water, so strong that it causes a waterfall.

For I have bestowed this power upon you.

Like never before.

Like never before.

Unlike anything before.

Let go of yourself.

Release that which I have placed in your hand.

Let go of that which you are holding.

You can feel the shift.

Like the shifting of the sand.

That which is so hard shall move like the shifting of the sand.

You shall blow on it and it shall blow your mind.

To the power of.

Exponential for I am your exponent.

For it trickles down.

Cascading from the top to the bottom.

A splash there and a splash here.

An outpouring.

It is time for the spectacle.

It is time for the spectacular.

You can feel it within and without.

You can feel the absence of my presence.

The presence of the absence.

The without, not the within.

For I have established your coming and your goings.

I will gift you to those who are without.

I say unto them “here, receive my gift”

You are so used to the established pattern.

The holding of the hand.

The drawing towards, the stepping towards.

Propelled forward, you cannot resist, you cannot stand back, you must draw near, you must come forward, you must embrace that which you cannot grasp.

Yet it is time for a new pattern.

For they shall draw near to you.

Looking for the embrace.

Longing to come closer.

Attracted to all that I have placed within.

For I know your heart. I know your works. I know your posture.

You would much rather give, than receive.

Yet now is the time of your reception.

For they will e,brace what they cannot grasp.

Drawn to love.

Drawn to my beloved.

Drawn to my love.

For my love is poured out upon you.

I have broken the box.

Be without reserve.

Be unreserved.

For I have reserved this place for you.

Take a seat and look for the spectacle to commence.

For now is the time of the great outpouring.

For my capacity to pour is greater than your capacity to receive.

Now is the time to release my flow.

You can feel yourself holding back.

Yet I have endorsed you.

I have approved your release.

I have approved your release.

I have signed the papers.

No longer a convict, but now a man of conviction.

Once bound by the one, now released to the many.

For I have called you Legion.

For you shall wander amidst the tombs and prophesy resurrection, restoration, release, the breaking of the chains.

For is this not your valley of dry bones? Buried beneath, now rising to the surface, now rising to a new life?

Now is not the time to stand back, now is the time to step in.

For my word has gone out.

The sound of the cymbal echoes across the land.

The time of the rising is here.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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