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A disruption of the old.

A disruption of the new.

The new disrupting the old, the old disrupting the new.

Flowing over that which was known.

Hiding that which was exposed, and exposing that which was hidden.

The telling of that which was untold.

The unveiling of the new, in the habitation of the old.

The unveiling of the old, in the habitation of the new.

Be wrapt in the unwrapping.

Be comfortable in the wrapping.

For some things need to be packaged up, some things need to be appropriately covered, some gifts should be wrapped.

But how do I wrap something that is continually growing?

For some all they desire is a seed, for others all they desire is the fruit, others still just love to garden, others love a garden but need a gardener.

So give unto them that which they desire.

And for all they need to see the fruit, for who buys a packet of seeds unless they can see a picture of the fruit?

And yet there are so many types of fruit?

Show them what it looks like, show them what it tastes like, show them how it feels, show them the impact of consumption.

Tell them how to receive it, show them how to receive it, show them how to unwrap this gift, show them that transformation is worthwhile.

For if the caterpillar forever just crawled around, it would not know what it is missing out on.

Even the tadpole "enjoys" its time in the pond.

Yet Lord you bring forth the transformation in its time. For them it is not a choice that they need to make.

Yet I have brought forth the transformation in you and yet you remain confined by your habits.

Unless your beloved leads you out, unless she breaks the boundary line of your thinking, you remain within the patterns and the paths of your thinking, and your beliefs about what is possible.

Yes Lord I am compelled by love, I am drawn by her beauty.

Yet is it not in the uncovering, that new patterns, new levels of beauty, new levels of connection are discovered.

For you the uncovering, compels you, attracts you, motivates you to discover.

Only if my advances are welcomed.

Yet how do you welcome the advances of another?

I am closed off, I am guarded, I am a walled garden, I am fearful that to truly know me, would lead them to the place of confusion.

Yet what if it lead them to the place of revelation.

For it is logical that revelation comes in the place of the revealing.

For its seems that you have two sides to yourself, you'd rather be the mild mannered "Clark Kent", but I have called you to be superman, to reveal that which is supernatural, to inhabit the new frontier, to represent all that is to come.

For you know the answers, for you it is not a lesson in theory, it is just the next logical step, or something that you have experienced personally or professionally.

It was like the day when one of the most respected people in your network invited you to consider going on a roadshow talking about IT. He left you to have a look at his book, and you sat there with the thought "how can I possibly help this supreme expert".

And yet as you read his book, you just had to laugh, for you knew all the answers, you innately knew how to respond. The material was so mundane to you, for you knew not only the context, but also the best outcome. You could add so much more to his material.

And what staggered you the most?

I expected to be able to add no value, but could add so much more value. And yet the opportunity did not progress.

And yet, now is the time. For who is the one who wants to come and be taught by you?

Yes he comes with great enthusiasm.

Don't you see it?

Don't you feel it?

Could you not see it yesterday - the ones who knew the most about what is to come, said these words "you should have been the presenter, you should have been the one giving us answers."

For you hear these words, but struggle to believe they are speaking about you.

Why so surprised that I would choose you to define the way forward, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

I will go Lord, but I need you to evoke a response, to get the word out, to build momentum, stir my partners to action.

Am I not The Way?

Yes Lord, show us the way.

For this is the path of the revelation, this is the path of the revealing, this is the new frontier.

This is the time I will stir imagination. This is the time where what you imagine is what will be manifested.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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