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From the troubled place to the quiet place.

From the place of much noise to the silent place.

From the loud place to the quiet place.

From the stormy place to the place of calm.

Receive my peace in exchange for your pieces.

I’m closing the door on the chaos.

Come in, oh do come in, just stay a while near the fire.

Feel the warmth of my embrace.

For my peace beckons to you.

My peace invites you in.

Just receive my mantle of peace, my coat of peace, my garment of peace.

For I am taking you back to this moment…

Coming into a very large tent, you can feel the stormy winds brewing behind you. Yet the warmth of my fire draws you in. You can see me toasting marshmallows on the fire with a board smile on my face. And then you hear the sound of a great flapping, for one of the cords of the tent is loose. You turn to go and fix it, but I call you to stay by the fire.

I’m torn between my desire to fix what is broken and to stay with you longer. For in your presence I feel your peace and am refreshed, but when I go to do the work all I feel is the flapping and struggle not to be in a flap.

For your embrace reminds me so much of the embrace of my beloved, it is so hard to let go, yet there is “work” to do.

Yet I am disturbing that which disturbs you.

I am disrupting that which seeks to rupture you.

For that which comes against you is of no consequence, shall have no bearing, its only purpose is to distract you from your purpose.

Yet the tension rises.

Yet the pressure mounts upon you.

Yet the sole purpose of tension is to bring forth movement. Movement from one tense to another. Movement from the past to the future.

But let’s get back to what I woke you up with…

Who infected you with this spirit of lack?

Let me say that a little louder!


That which seeks to possess you trembles in response to this question!

You can feel the shaking, you can feel the tremors, the trembling.

You mistake this for fear, when it is the spirit that rests upon you trembling!


Yes, SHAKE OFF that which shakes before you!

Say unto it, BE GONE!

For it departs from you now.

You are so funny Lord, for as it departs all I can feel is my hand shaking in response to your spirit.

For the time of your consumption is over.

For the time of your confinement is over.

For the time of your production is here.

For the time of your possession is here.

For the time of ownership is here.

For the time of your release is here.

Repeat this after me “I AM SO FULL OF IT”

You make me laugh Lord!

Say this again “I AM SO FULL OF IT!”

I know what you are thinking.

That is this a negative term used to describe someone with a big ego.

Yet it is not as it seems.

For you possess my fullness.

And I know what you want to say.


No wonder you have lost your appetite.

No wonder you have no interest in consuming any more angst.

Yet I am tired of those who would take from my plate, that which was mine to consume.

Yet that is that spirit of lack talking. For the one who possesses much does not care for the crumbs that are taken from under the table.

Yet the one who has lost hope for an abundant future seeks only to hold on to what little that remains.

For in the wilderness you inhabited the habits of that season.

Yet in the land of the promise you must take a new path, you must explore the whole territory, you must form new patterns.

For I have given you dots to connect.

New pictures to form.

New places to inhabit.

From the familiar to the unfamiliar.

From consumption to production.

For you struggle to find new content to consume, for now is the time to produce that which you have consumed.

It’s like you are looking for a dress, that has never been made before.

You go looking for the pattern, and it forms before you as you explore.

Is this not the season of the new pattern?

For you cling to the old patterns and yet find no comfort in them.

Are you not the pattern maker?

It is time to make something new.

It is time to birth something new.

For the work of my hands is only just beginning.

From the one who crawled, to the one who walked.

From the one who walked, to the one who ran.

From the one who ran, to the one who was broken.

From the broken place, to the seated place.

From the seated place, to the standing place.

From the standing place, to the place of the overthrow.

From the overthrow, to the one who rules.

From the one who is seated, to the one who moves.

From the one who moves, to the one who creates a movement.

From a place of movement, to a place of momentum.

From a place of surviving one moment to the next, to the era of momentum.

For it shall be a glorious moment of great momentum.

From the one who consumed much, to the one who produced a multitude.

From the one who went out not knowing, to the one who knew me and birthed a nation.

From undercover to a beacon, to an oracle.

Can you not see the shift?

Yes Lord. You really mess me up! For in one event it went from “no thanks”, to a look of great joy and delight as I told them about our move, and shifted their thinking from merely performing the task, to enjoying the work.

For this is not a return to the days of old, this is a whole new experience, this is a whole new definition of wholeness.

Yet you have remained behind the scenes for too long.

The time of your incubation is over, and behold the new is here!

It is time to put on the royal robes.

It is time to rise up and take up your position.

It is time to shine a new light, to show them a new way, a new pattern, and whole new community of wholeness.

Shake off that spirit of lack, bolding declare abundance.

For my glory rains upon you!

My glory shines upon you!

For it is not like it was before.

Let’s go on a great adventure, exploring the whole land, for what you seek you shall find.

Expect more from me.

Expect favour.

Expect joy.

Expect wholeness.

Expect adventure.

Expect delight.

For is this season not like your honeymoon?

The end of the old “single” you, to the new “couple”, a new coupling, a new era, a new life, a new level of unity and delight, a new experience of joy, a new experience of beauty, an uncovering of that which was previously covered. A new revelation of wholeness, a new level of extraordinary delight.

For what is to come, for what I am birthing in you is so beyond all that, so much more than you hope for.

Step away from lack, step into abundance, sow the seed of abundance and reap that which is exponential.

To the power of N.

To the power of victory.

Victory multiplied.

Exponential victory.

Break free from containment, burst into wholeness, break free into expansion, for there is no limit to my love for you.

From dis quiet to it’s quiet.

For the one who knows the power I have given him, can only be calm and confident as he holds on the great hope that unfolds before him.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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