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Out of all proportion.

What I have for you is out of all proportion.

You ask me for 30, but I’m going to give you 30,000.

I’m giving you more than you requested.

You see it off in the distance now.

What is it you see off in the distance?

>A flag rising in the distance. A flag pole coming towards me in the distance.

For it is elevated above. It rises above. The flag of surrender.

Riding upon a great wave of change, of expectation.

At first it appears a small thing.

Yet in a moment in an instant it arrives before you.

Not a small ship, but a giant container ship.

You will look at it and wonder how it is that such a big ship can rest in such a small harbour.

Somehow you find yourself on board.

What is it you see?

Bundles of fish.

Where you expected to find the one, you will find a thousand.

You look for a single fish, but find a thousand.

Not singles but clusters, vast clusters.

Small fish. Large fish. For I have schooled the schools.

Yet amidst the sameness you will find the unexpected.

See this...

A big net full of the same fish, yet a space made for a large fish of a peculiar shape, fit for the purpose of capturing it, fit for my purpose.

In another realm.

In another realm.

You expect the storm to rage in the stormy ocean. For this is natural and normal.

Yet you do not expect there to be a storm in the desert.

In one place you fear the storm, expecting another wave to overwhelm you, to drown you, to finish you.

In another place you celebrate the storm. In the dry place you celebrate, you anticipate, you get excited about what the storm represents.

For when the thunder claps, I am applauding the fall of the rain.

First the thunder and the lightning, then the rain, then the streams, then the mist in the midst.

Look again at your forecast and continue to cast.

For it is time to show off. For they shall look at you and say “show off”. Do not be concerned or alarmed just give them a demonstration of my power.

For their laughter shall turn into awe and wonder when they see what I am doing.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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