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In the land of the promise.

In the land of discovery.

In the place of discovery.

In the place where you will discover.

In the place where you will uncover, recover, discover.

There is so much that you can expect to find.

So many treasures on display.

Like the giant cluster of grapes, I shall not hide what I have for you, it shall be easy to discover.

As you discover you will recover.

As you discover you will uncover.

In the place of the promise you will find my treasure.

It’s like the manifestation of that which I have promised.

What was before a mirage, is now a pool.

What was a desert, such now be a lush green pasture.

What was barren, shall now bear fruit.

What was hidden, shall now be revealed.

What was unkind, shall now appear in kind.

What was given with kindness, shall now be received with kindness.

In the place of multiplication.

For you have now received that which multiplies, you shall now produce that which multiplies.

For it grows within you.

Now it grows around you.

You shall be like Isaac, the one who reaped a hundred fold in the year of the famine.

For my favour rests upon you now.

Wear it like a garment, a garment of favour.

Growth wrapped in favour that is how it shall be.

For that which appears to be surreal, shall become real.

For you shall live in the house of glory, the house of light, the elevated place, the room with a view, the place of comfort and ease, the place the warms the heart, and cools the mind, the quiet place, the creative place, the place of new found intimacy, the place of unity, the place where my kindness shall flow.

Embark on this journey with great joy, like a child looking for easter eggs, for you shall find what you have been looking for.

For that which was incubated in the last season, shall now be manifest in the one that is to come.

For there the seed was planted, and here shall the seed blossom.

For it is evident.

For my will is now evident within you.

For my love grows within you, and now pours out of you.

For my strength grows within you, and will transform you.

For you were once bound by limitation, now you will be out of bounds, without bounds.

You shall know what it is like to be unlimited.

For in the time of the move, I am showing new a fresh movement.

That which was previously restricted, now will know what freedom feels like.

For you think that moment was defining, yet it is merely the first step on a new path of redefining.

First the reforming, then the redefining.

What if everything you knew about yourself, was just a thin slice of a much bigger reality.

Like a slice from a raw onion, all you see are the layers, the pieces.

But what I see is wholeness multiplying.

For you think each slice reveals the separation of the layers, yet I think this is just a slice from a much bigger wholeness.

For the light dawns on a new day.

But this is no ordinary day.

This is no ordinary season.

This is no ordinary era.

For that which I have placed in you shall become manifest.

More and more, more and more, more and more, more multiplied, the multiplication of more, the growth of overgrowth, the bursting forth from the container, the revelation of that which I am revealing, the size and dimensions of that which has never been seen before.

The old becoming new.

Separated from, in order to be without restriction, without confinement, without boundary.

For there is great space between that which was, and that which is to come.

The space just gives you room for the growth that is to come.

For what is it I have shown you now?

The burning corpse of my old self, and the super strong version of me standing over it.

For I am putting everything in reverse.

A huge reversal is coming, the size of it will blow your mind.

For growth shall overwhelm decay.

That which is more, shall overwhelm all that is less.

You think you are getting older, what if you are getting younger?

How does that rest upon you?

What impact would that have on your future plans?

What if the roles were reversed?

What if you are the dominant one, not the subservient one?

What if you are known as the “Master”, the “Oracle”?

For I know what you have been thinking?

That I so enjoy speaking with you Lord. That I love the words you speak to me and through me. That I am finding it more and more difficult to make “small talk”, when your “talk” is so large!

In the volume of the book it is written.

So many speak in the heavenly language, yet so few speak in the language of heaven.

I want you to say it how it is in heaven.

Speak life and see life.

Speak joy and see joy.

Speak delight and experience delight.

For what you write in your manifesto, I will manifest.

As you walk in the promise, you will possess that which I have promised.

Lift your expectation for what is coming next will blow your mind.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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