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Under the covers.

Under the cover.


Hidden beneath,

Hidden under cover.

Resting beneath the covers.

For my delight rests under cover.

My joy peeks her head out of the covers.

For I delight to reveal my goodness.

My delight shall be manifest.

My joy bursts forth.

For there is no sensible approach to joy.

You cannot wrap my joy in sensibility.

You cannot have a serious approach to joy.

You cannot plan for joy, you cannot hope for joy, you cannot manufacture joy.

For it appears before you.

For it appears unexpectedly.

For it shows up by surprise.

It cannot be planned.

On occasion.

In the place of occasion.

It depends on the occasion.

It arises on occasion.

It manifests on occasion.

Yet it cannot be prescribed.

It cannot be forced.

It cannot be scheduled.

It cannot be put on an agenda.

It cannot be commanded.

It must be discovered.

It must be uncovered.

For delight wrapped up in formalities, still peeks out, still shows up.

It can show up at any reception, but still must be received.

For if you peal back the covers with trepidation and fear, what do you expect to find?

Something ugly, something scary, something ominous.

Yet if you peal back the covers with excitement and joyful anticipation, what is it you will find?

That which is so beautiful, so delightful, so majestic, so joyful, so loving, so kind, such a gift.

There is a big difference between uncovering and discovering.

One is mechanical, one has no expectation, one approaches in a serious or circumspect fashion.

The other is exciting, is adventurous, is full of anticipation, full of expectation, full of my fullness.

One is rational, analytical, mechanical, considered, thoughtful…

The other is emotional, reckless, pushy, full of desire, in pursuit, on purpose, for purpose, beyond the boundary, beyond the limit, beyond what it looks like, peering beneath, moving under the cover, desiring to reveal that which is covered, that which is hidden, that which is buried beneath, that which needs to emerge, that which must be revealed.

For when you look upon her what do you see?

A majestic, vision of delight. An innocent pure vessel of your delight. A person bursting forth with your delight. A strength that lies within. A conviction that breaks forth into freedom. A mystery buried within. A treasure box, full of precious treasures. A heart of gold. A person so full of your goodness that it cannot be contained, it must be displayed, it must be manifest, it must be revealed.

For I have given you this insight, I have opened your eyes to this mystery. It was my doing. For the moment you saw her, you knew her, you wanted to know her, you felt a knowing beyond knowing, a desire to know her intimately, yet a feeling that you would never know her fully.

Compelled by my desire, compelled to know, compelled to touch, compelled to discover, compelled to discover, still in a state of discovery. A grand adventure.

A life changing moment, that continues to impact you so profoundly.

It is time to write that book.

I know what you are thinking.

You want it to be neatly shaped, and well defined, yet how do you put my love in a box?

How do you start, and where do you finish?

For you know the journey of knowing is never complete.

For you know that you will never know.

For you have known her as Adam “knew” Eve and conceived.

Yet even in the place of knowing there is always more to know.

Even in the place of knowing, the process could be the same, yet the outcome can be so different.

What is received can be so different from what is given.

The gift of love can never be locked down, only exposed, only revealed, only discovered.

Take them on a journey of discovery.

Each day give them a different insight.

For I have given you the words to say.

I’ll help with the editing.

I’ll tell you what to leave out, and what to put in.

For it is time for my love to come out of the box.

It is time for my love to be exposed.

It is time to take the clothes off.

It is time to unwrap the gift.

It is time to expose my love.

It is time to reveal my delight.

It is time to discover that which can only be uncovered.

It is time to strip sensibility away, it is time to be reckless, it is time to abandon all self restraint.

I’m having such a laugh right now!

For I have taken you back to this moment

Do you mind if I take your top off?


Is this not the whole point?

Is this not the point of wholeness?

Is this not the moment of discovery?

For in this moment you found yourself.

For in this moment everything changed.

For I gave you this desire.

I compelled you to ask!

I put these words on your lips!

Yet afterwards, you asked yourself “what were you thinking? How could you be so bold? So forthright? So pushy? So assertive? So reckless? So naughty?”

Yet it was I that compelled you to ask. For without question, for without a question, there can be no answer!

For I compelled you to uncover my goodness.

I compelled you to reveal my treasure.

I compelled you to expose my goodness.

I compelled you to reveal the majesty of my glory.

For in that moment my glory was discovered.

For in the moment of desire, my joy was on display.

For in the moment of uncovering, my glory was discovered.

For you remember it like it was yesterday.

Gazing on her beauty, yet caught up in awe and wonder.

A moment my innocence was revealed, my purity was put on display, my love was exposed, my joy burst forth.

For you were so taken aback in the moment.

In the natural course you would have expected to be overcome with desire.

Yet you were just in awe and wonder.

For in that moment you looked upon my love.

For in that moment my love was revealed to you.

In that moment I responded to your invitation.

In that moment everything changed for you.

For friends hang out together.

But lovers love to love.

You struggle so much to explain the nature of our relationship.

You are so bored with the boring conversations of life.

Yet when it comes to my love, you feel so lost for words.

It’s like you are back in that moment.

You don’t know what to say.

You don’t know, what you know.

You just gaze and look in wonder and awe.

It’s like when you are in worship and you cannot utter the words.

Fear not, for just as your beloved makes it so easy to love her, I will give you the words to speak.

Do not worry about what to say, how to respond, just hang out with me, I’ll show you the way, I’ll open a way, I’ll give you the microphone. I’ll put my words on your lips.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself.

Don’t wonder what you will say, for I have placed before you wonder, I have given you wonder.

Just be full of wonder, for it will be wonderful.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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