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For I have broken open the way.

I have broken the limit.

I have broken the box.

I have broken open that which contained you.

I have broken open the prison of your confinement.

I have released you.

I have made a way for you.

I have release that which cannot be contained.

For who can secure freedom?

Who can hold freedom captive?

For it was always my intent to demonstrate freedom.

To provide placement in the region of displacement.

To provide fullness in the barren place.

To inhabit that which is desolate.

To bring release.

To burst forth like a fountain in the barren place.

For in this period.

For during this period.

For a period.

I am putting a period to this period.

I am drawing this season to a close.

I am turning the page.

Moving forward to the former thing.

Bringing forward that which was past.

Did I not say what was shown to you then, is now revealed to you now?

For the vision shall not tarry, and shall not be behindhand on the day for which it is manifest.

For the time is coming, and is here now.

For that which blossoms is just a vision of the fruit that is to come.

First the opening, then the fruitfulness.

From that which looks dead to you, comes the subtle thing, the nearly noticeable thing, the hidden thing, the thing that requires closeness, bud that blends into that which it comes from.

From the closed thing, comes the open thing.

From the subtle thing, comes that which is distinctive, that which stands out, that which attracts attention.

For that which conceives is private, is hidden, is kept covered until the time of conception.

For that which is hidden, must be revealed, the private thing, the intimate thing, that which is covered, is now unveiled.

The unveiling of that which is intimate.

The revelation of my goodness.

The revelation of that which you desire.

The place of intimacy, of union, of communion, of delight, of desire, of greatest vulnerability.

For that which is most expressive of who you are remains covered.

That which has been injured is that which brings forth multiplication.

For you remember the time of the uncovering.

A time where you removed all that inhibited you.

The time where you exposed yourself to your new wife.

The time of the uncovering.

The time of the conception.

The time of union.

The time of unity.

The coming together.

The place of togetherness.

The time of display.

The full display of yourself.

The full representation of yourself.

The time of the unveiling, the uncovering, the blooming, the revealing, the exposing, the revelation of that which defines you, the manifestation of your weakness, the manifestation of your manhood, the revelation of that which reproduces.

The unveiling of that which reproduces.

The unveiling of the place of multiplication.

The opening of that which multiplies

The place of the coming together.

“For you are welcome.”

“For you are invited.”

“You are mine”

For there is a coming together in the place of the promise.

For there is a coming together in the place that was promised.

For there is a new birth in the place of barrenness.

For there is new life in the place without life.

For you will be taken back.

For I have taken you back.

For you will be staggered at what I am going to do next.

For that which was hidden, for that which was veiled, had form, had design, had the greatest design, was designed to receive, in order to conceive.

Like a flower awaiting the arrival of the bee.

My love awaits the arrival of her beloved.

For the time of the courtship is over.

The season of the pursuit is over.

The season of fruit is here.

For I shall not be unto you as I was before.

Before the dance.

Before the impact.

Before the knowing.

Before the darkness.

Before the coming.

Before the going.

Before the arrival.

Before that which was past.

Before the exploration.

Before the walking it out.

Before the pacing it out.

Before the unveiling.

Now after.

After the conception.

After the union.

After the connection.

After the kiss.

After the embrace.

After the kindness.

After the invitation.

After the uncovering.

After the touching.

After the crying.

After the darkness.

After the dawn.

After the holding of the hand.

The happily ever after.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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