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Washed away.

In the place of the flow.

In the place that overwhelms.

In the place that stinks.

In the flow of the refuse.

In the place of refuse.

In the place of obstinance.

In the place of refusal.

In the place where you were not welcome.

In the place of the locked door.

In the place where they stood guard, and would not let you in.

In the locked down place.

In the place where the hatch was battened down.

In the place where birth was halted.

In the place of the chastity belt.

In the place of bondage.

In the place of the tying.

In the place of the wrapping.

In the place of the burial.

In the place that stinketh.

Take me to the place that stinketh.

Unroll the stone.

Let the smell waft into your nostrils.

For in the place of the stench.

For in the atmosphere that stinks.

In the realm of darkness.

In the place of despair.

In the place of loss.

Open the door to me.

For I am not afraid to enter.

I am not scared of the dark.

I am not scared of the darkest place.

For I am not haunted by the ghosts of your past.

For when my light shines.

For when my light shines.

For when my light shines.

For when my light shines.

For when my light shines.

For when you are stuck.

For when you play things on repeat.

For when you go over that which I am over.

For when you are wrapped in the echos of the past, you wrap yourself in the clothes of the one to be buried.

Why bury yourself?

Why burden yourself?

Why wrap yourself in these burial clothes?

For you are NOT DEAD!



Be unbound.

Be unwrapped.

Why air your dirty laundry? Allow me to wash it first. For I will clean it of the filth of the past, and yet preserve that which is material.

Be free from that which has bound you up.

For some would contend.

Some do contend with your contentment.

Some would have you go back to the start.

Yet they look for the key in the wrong place.

For the key to your future is not found in your past.

An unpacking of that which was, serves no purpose for your future.

I could have wound back the clock.

I could start again from the beginning.

I could have made Lazarus a baby, and carried him out in swaddling clothes, yet this is not how I roll.

I’m all in to rebirth.

I’m all about the new laid over the old. The revisit carrying the new, not a going back to uncover the old.

For what value is there in sewing an old patch over a tear in a new garment?

For the old has little strength, has already served its purpose.

I place new light in old bodies and then watch my glory do the work.

For you can see it, and when you sit in the presence of it, it is so captivating, so majestic, so healing, so powerful, so transformative that it leaves you speechless, yet so empowered.

For you just wanted to find her, you were compelled to stand with her, you wanted to reciprocate the love that she had shown to you.

But when you arrived in her presence, my glory shone so brightly, that you found yourself in awe.

Yet she was compelled to speak in response to the words I had put on your lips.

For it is not by reasoned argument, or through intense counselling that my people are healed. It is in the revelation of my presence.

You felt it so strongly this morning didn’t you?

In the most unexpected place, in the least likely place…

You went about your routine, and yet I caused you to stop and pause.

To pause and reflect.

To pause and reflect upon.

To pause and reflect upon my goodness.

For my glory was there laid out before you.

Resting there upon the bed, all snuggled into the covers, resting beneath the covers, feeling the warmth of my covering.

For my glory shines, ever so brightly, in the darkest place.

Just bathe in the reflected glory.

Just delight in the presence of my glory.

Celebrate the warmth of my glory.

For my glory has hold of you, my love holds your hand.

For my glory changes everything.

What is it you see now?

The golden glory of your presence like a mist sprinkling love all around, yet when it falls on my fire, the sparks fly upwards in celebration, in delight, at first red then sparkling with gold.

For I feel your fire.

I feel your holy discontent.

I feel the injustice.

I feel your pain.

I was there when it happened.

For I have engraved you upon the palms of my hand.

Your walls are ever before me.

I see you fashioning a giant battering ram, tempering it, strengthening it, arming it with explosives, and planning to break through these longstanding thick walls of your enemy.

Yet it shall not be so!

Try this.

Simply act like there is no wall.

For I did not ask them to open the door.

I did not knock on the wall and ask them to make a way for me to enter.

I simply walked through their limitation.

For who can tell me where to go?

Who can limit my approach.

Note that it is your walls that are before me.

You all want to construct a boundary and determine where , when and who you will let in.

Yet I operate without limit.

I have no limit, yet I will contend with your limits.

For when my glory shines.

For when my glory shows up.

For when my glory bursts forth.

Look what happens.

Chains fall off.

Captives are set free.

Those sentenced to death, are set free to live.

For who can take my freedom captive?

Only those who are limited.

For my kingdom suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

Yet when my glory shines, when my light shines, the opportunity presents itself for my kingdom to advance.

For when you go out, and when you enter in, let my glory shine.

Luke 10:3:“Go your way: Behold I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves”
Luke 10:5-6: “Whatever house you enter, first say “Peace to this house!” And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not it will return to you.”
“If your greeting is received, then it is a good place to stay. But if it is not received, take it back and get out. Don’t impose yourself.

Luke 10:9:“Heal the sick in it and say to them, “The kingdom of God has come near to you””

So say unto them “peace”, greet them with peace, not your pieces.

Present your pieces to me, and I’ll exchange them for my peace.

Let my peace intrude.

Let my peace invade.

For if my peace is not received, then the time is not right, the reception is off.

Let me do the work of love.

Just present my glory as a present.

For your beloved represents all that is glorious. Bathe in the reflected presence of my glory.

Let my glory refresh you, let my love embrace you, let my love gaze upon your face, let my peace cover you, wrap yourself in my peace.

For my love knows the way, my love rests under my cover.

My love and glory shines within and overflows without.

For my love tastes so good, is it not the perfect antidote for bitterness?

Shake off bitterness, let it burn up in my fire, for the hand that is bitten by the snake of bitterness, shall be the hand that I will use to bring healing.

Watch it burn, do not be consumed by it, let it burn up in my fire.

For I have placed my power within you, for that which is within will overwhelm that which is without.

For you must embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For what you comprehend, shall not bring forth the solution. The very embrace is that which heals, that which restores, that which brings forth peace, and wholeness.

Abandon yourself to my love.

Bathe in the reflected glory of my love.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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