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How is it that you feel?

Relaxed, at peace, present not absent, loved beyond measure.

A great outpouring.

An outpouring of greatness.

For the time of greatness is upon you.

Let’s call it the season of greatness.

Of great effect.

The smallest movement will have the most profound impact.

For I saw how moved you were.

I don’t think anyone else noticed, for you cover your emotions, you have learned to hide your feelings.

There you were alone at the table, and everyone was buzzing around the food.

You thought to get up and join them, but I wanted you to stay and observe.

The sense of connectedness.

The power of my purpose.

The joy and delight on their faces.

In the midst of it all your beloved, making it all come to pass.

Is it possible to be loved more? Is she not the greatest gift? Personally wrapped by you, manifesting all that you represent? The joy of her presence, is such a present.

For she provides a great canvas for my most artistic work. A splash of colour here, a work of art there, for my light shines upon her, for those who can see my work, my artistry, those who a tuned in, those who have the eyes of their heart open.

Such absolute kindness, such love and affection, such composure, a great composition, my joy and delight.

But I could tell of the immense pain you felt. For it pours from your pores when you pause. It wells up in your eyes now.

For I could feel the great loss, the passing of the one who brought me into being. It was like holding his hand for the last time. It was like the feeling of his embrace for the last time. So warm, so kind, so present, then so absent.
Pull yourself together man!

For that which was untold, shall be manifest.

Untold kindness.

Untold warmth.

Untold joy.

Untold delight.

Untold purpose.

Untold impact.

Untold blessing.

Untold harvest.

For your impact will far exceed his.

Without precedence, beyond precedent.

For my word has gone out.

A new description, a new bio, a new cv, a new profile.

For I am re-writing your history.

For the rejected one, shall be my cornerstone.

For you have often said, “the mark of maturity, the completeness of a persons identity, is defined by their ability to accept a compliment from someone who loves them”

Yet there have been so many words spoken of you recently that you are yet to fully receive…

“An ensign, a standard bearer, a great blessing to many.”

“So wealthy that you will struggle to contain God’s blessing.”

“The diligent one, the faithful one, the one who will impact and influence hundreds and thousands.”

“The one of great care and integrity and direction.”

“An incredible man, who expresses such warmth and kindness.”

“The one who shows such care and respect for others.”

“A wonderful human being.”

It feels like they are talking about someone else!

Yet these are my words, these words are from me, this is how I describe you!

It is time to receive all my goodness.

Repeat after me and say “My Goodness!”

Look and see “my goodness.”

Look in the mirror and see “my goodness.”

For I am putting my goodness on display like never before.

For they shall call you…

“The blessed one!”

“The source.”

“The one who brings breakthrough, carries breakthrough, speaks breakthrough, the barrier breaker, the game changer, the one who brings the turnaround.”

Many shall come to you in order to receive their turn, their turnaround.

Many shall turn and look at you differently, shall delight to be with you, to walk with you.

Let me introduce you to yourself.

Let me define you again, refine you again, introduce you, manifest you, reveal you, promote you, express my kindness, my joy, my delight, my very being!

For this desert will blossom, shall be an oasis for many, shall be a source of glory for the ages to come.

Let go of the old and just put on the new.

It will be uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to yourself again.

For I see you now…

Lying on the broken step, unable to climb to the expected heights, destined to reach the high tower but unable to find another step.

For I am raising you up, I am taking you to the highest of heights.

For you shall rest upon the pinnacle.

For I am making this point.

I am making a point of you.

For your efforts will not be pointless.

For I will bring this work to a fitting conclusion.

For what is it you see?

Reaching the summit of what is possible, only to be lifted higher by the winds of your spirit.

For the time of elevation is now, the time of proclamation is now.

Just agree with the words that have been said about you.

Just agree with the words I have placed in your heart and upon your lips.

For great joy is coming.

A harvest of joy is coming.

An outpouring of great joy is coming.

The icing on the cake.

For you will feel my power like never before.

My power on display like never before.

What you declare shall come to pass, as if I have spoken it myself.

Rise again, express yourself again, believe again, hope again, live again, for I am breathing again into your body, into your mind, into your life.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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