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So what is it you want to say?

Go ahead express yourself!

What is it you desire?

Where is your desire?

For you have put down your desire.

You have laid aside your desire.

You have wrapped up your desire, your bundle of joy and laid it aside.

Just look at yourself.

Just look at yourself.

What is it you have written all over your face?

Your best expression is “to endure”

Your desire is to endure, your intent is to endure, your strongest desire is to survive.

Yet what was my intent?

What was my instruction?

“Let’s go to the other side”

For you must cross over, you must pass through the stormy place, the uncertain place, the uncomfortable place, the place of transition.

It is time for an upgrade, time to upgrade your desire.

For you know what happens when you express yourself.

You see for yourself the living, breathing, moving, walking demonstration of your desire every day.

Now when you come and when you go, you sit in your desire, you are transported by desire.

Yet even now you wrestle with me, you struggle with the struggle.

You wrestle with yourself, you seek to repress your desire, you fight to withhold your desire.

Yet you cannot put away your desire, you cannot lock it up, you cannot hide it.

Compelled, drawn, attracted, mesmerised, focused, the centre of attention, the main attraction, you know whom I am talking about.

You can’t help yourself, you can’t stop yourself, you cannot restrain yourself, you cannot contain yourself.

For to be separate from her, is to be separate from yourself, is to be incomplete, is to be without.

For there is no substitute for desire.

There is no replacement.

There is no alternative.

So I ask you again what is your desire?

Fullness of joy…

Did I not say that I would give you the oil of joy for mourning?

Yet it is your hand upon the container, you are the one holding in place the lid.

It is time to lift your expectation, it is time to lift the lid.

Go ahead, just go ahead, pour it all out, pour out your desire.

For my joy cannot be contained, it must be poured out.

You know that I know don’t you.

No one else saw, no one else paid any attention, for they were so fully absorbed by what I was saying to them.

I saw you acting up and it was magnificent, a moment of expression, a moment where you expressed my desire.

Even then you sought to hold yourself back, for you didn’t want to make a scene.

Yet I have called you to make a scene, yes make a scene.

I say to you now, I ask you to come into order.

Don’t hold back, for you won’t be embarrassed.

For in the moment where your desire is expressed, you have my full attention, for I long to give you that which you desire.

Be without reservation, be unreserved, be without reserve, push forward, release the great outpouring.

Release my joy…

Release my fullness…

Tell me what it is you are believing for, express your fervent desire.

Go ahead, for I am ahead of you, for nothing can get in the way of your desire.

For you must embrace it.

For you must embrace her.

For you must embrace that which you cannot grasp.

For you must take hold of that which you cannot comprehend.

You must embrace desire.

Tell me about what is on the other side.

Let’s go and take a look.

The sun is shining and the birds are singing… There is an absence of busyness. We have this place all to ourselves. By the still waters, beside the still waters. Going for a relaxed stroll along the water front. We think of going fishing, but as we approach the boat, in a moment, in an instant the boat is full of fish. No effort, without effort, an absence of effort. The climate is just perfect. No stress, no distress, no worry. A picture of contentment. No awareness of time. Then she comes running with arms open wide, a big smile, fullness of joy written across her face. An intimate embrace, a moment of great desire, of great love.

It shall be as you have expressed.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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