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In the midst of it.

Awash with it.

Exhausted by it.

In the depths of it.

Over your head.

Drowning in it.

Overwhelmed by it.

Weary of it.

It was not your choice to come here.

It was I who compelled you to come, commanded you to come.

For who in their right mind steps out of the crowd, steps out of the secure, steps over the edge, leaves the comfort of the known, leaves the place of confinement, and launches themselves into the deep, in the midst of a storm.

Yet you know from the depths of your innermost being, that in order to attain that which is beyond the reach of the ordinary man, you must leave the comfort of the known, the normal, and step out into a place that no one has gone before.

Yes Lord, I see it, I feel it, it is who you have made me to be. Yet if it was not for my beloved cheering me on, I would hide myself away never to be seen again.

For who do I have in this world beside you Lord? None of this makes any sense without you Lord. For you know in the natural I can't even swim, and yet it is you that calls me out into the deep.

For how shall you become what you ought to be, unless you respond to my call?

In some ways I see you have jumped in, in other ways I see you in retreat, or being so tentative.

For how do you put your toe in the water, when the boat is rocking so much it looks like it will capsize?

You must take a leap off the edge.

You must jump on board, with being overboard.

For isn't life so boring and mundane without this great adventure?

It is time to come out of hiding.

It is time to come out from the cocoon.

It is time to step away from the ordinary.

For I could see the frustration on your face. For try as you might, try with all your might, for you gave it all that you had, and yet the response was a bit "ho-hum", for you.

You think if you explain to them the what and the how, they will "get it" and then take the leap forward.

And yet they remain on the boat.

For only Peter chose to respond to my call, even when I demonstrated the way.

I sense you think about this so differently.

For you it feels more like Paul, hopping on a ship with the foreknowledge that if they left now, it would lead to a ship wreck. For you like him, know what the future holds, for I have given you my foresight, my insight. For they say of themselves "In hindsight I should have listened to you". Yet for you in the moment, you want them to say yes now, to respond now, to take a different path now.

Yet you know with either story the outcome.

For in one case they made in to their destination, intact and on schedule.

In the other they made it to their destination, in pieces, broken in pieces. And there you see yourself helping them to recover, despite their poor decisions, despite the fact they did not listen to you. Yet you know how the story goes, the one who was publicly attacked and then reviled by all around was then treated as a God, due to his response.

So how you respond matters.

I think it is time for you to show them who you really are.

It is time to come out of the closet.

It is time to stop pretending your "Clark", it is time to put your superpowers on display.

For will I not show you the intricate details of what is needed to navigate the storm ahead?

>Yes Lord I see it now, your hand upon my hand, crafting the mechanisms of the future, the means to navigate, the means to thrive.

I see you looking at the wisdom of man, from the perspective that the learned ones, are revealing the secrets I have already given you to the masses.

I see that depresses you.

And yet you need a different perspective. For when the forerunner in the field reveals to you that which you already know, how should you respond?

You told me first Lord! Yet I don't know what to keep to myself and what to reveal to another.

I see it like this, many are teaching the alphabet to the "kids", when I have given you the book on how to relate to this new "superpower"

Some are having their first encounter, and this should be full of delight and wonder, alongside some fear and trepidation.

For those you should be a comforting hand, someone who can tell them it is going to be ok. Your beloved is the master of this.

Some have had their encounter, and try to craft a learned response - but really have no clue.

The key for them is to give them a map, to help them chart the way ahead, to give them some basis to stand upon.

For you know what it is like to encounter wonder, both with me and in the arms of your beloved.

It is such a wonder to embrace wonder, live in the place of wonder, be full of wonder, awe and wonder.

You need to describe wonder, to represent wonder, to display wonder, to showcase the wonder of it all, to invite them into the wonderful place, full of wonder.

For even in the storm, there are flashes of wonder, and for those walking on the water, they inhabit, the habit, a new habit, a new way, the way of wonder.

For you know that I will get you to the other side.

Just be, all that I have made you to be, without hesitation.

For the maze, becomes amazing, when it is filled with the awe and wonder of the adventure.

Look out for my call, pay attention to the intricacies of the mechanics, and the strategic navigation of the path ahead.

For you shall provide the means, the methods, the modes of transport, the excitement and leadership for others to enter this bold new frontier.

Is it not clear to you, that I have chosen you, that what is so simple for you, and mundane for you, is so magnificent to them.

Is it not clear to you that I have given you the answers to the most learned questions.

Shake off your shyness, shake off the biting attacks of the enemy, for you shall be considered the oracle in this era.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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