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It is time.

It is time to shed your skin.

It is time to release yourself.

It is time to be out and not in.

It is time to come out.

Can you not feel the tension?

Can you not feel the shedding?

Stop being Clark!

Put aside your covering.

Put aside all that covers you.

Unveil yourself.

Expose yourself.

Let that which is on the inside come out.

Inside out.

Do you not remember the tears?

Like it was yesterday.

For she was there to capture your tears.

Was it not a transformative experience?

I feel like I lost something of myself in the process. I was torn asunder. Torn between who I was and who I needed to be. Like a rebirthing process, but I'm not sure I liked the baby!

The taking off.

The launching pad.

The letting go.

The putting on.

The uncovering, the recovering.

The dismantling.

The remantling.

Can you not feel me!

Yes all I feel is you. Otherwise I am just numb, or just shaking with the experience.

"I really love you, I love you tonight"

Your gentleness and condescension have made me great.

"You are always beautiful, you are always strong, you are always wonderful"

The bursting forth.

The coming out.

What I have given you is transformative.

The uncovering.

The recovering.

The discovering.

The possessing.

The defining.

The definition.

The redefinition.

Are you the caterpillar or the butterfly?

I am both, and I am neither, I am transformed.

Not one, nor the other.

Neither here nor there.

You think you are in between, but you are walking in places no-one has gone before.

Have I not given you insight, foresight, that which reveals?

Not the mundane, but the profound.


Not like.


Not like.

Of a different kind.

A new thing.

Never done before or since.

When everyone is trying to swim or row a boat, you will find yourself walking on the water.

Out of bounds.

Beyond the boundary.

Way over the edge.

Yet Lord I know not how to lead them. Shall I teach them swimming lessons?

Well I'd like to see that, as you know not how to swim!

Hence my frustration. How can I teach them what I do not know?

Yet what is it I have revealed to you?

I see it over and over, more and more, like a vivid dream that I cannot wake up from. Whether my eyes are upon or closed it makes no difference. Whether I am asleep or awake I cannot escape it. I feel like I am living it, experiencing it, walking on it, alert to it, it disturbs my every thought. More and more, over and over. Like waves crashing upon the shore. I see my footsteps upon the giant waves of change. The lightning flashing, a groundswell, an increasing crescendo of movement. I my dream, in your reality there is great peace and calm despite the giant waves. Yet when I wake, my body shakes from the experience. Why would you call me to walk upon the water, when I cannot even swim? In the supernatural it is marvellous, in the natural it feels like I am drowning and on the verge of death, for I cannot breathe.

Yet there was so much more?

It was like my hands were directing the waves, like you had made me the commander of the depths.

In the place of the parting.

In the parting of the ways.

In the parting of the waves.

I am making a way, where there is no way.

For when you walk through the valley of the shadow, at some point you need to come out of the shadow.

"Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil"

Your assignment is to lead them out, whether out of the shadows, or into the promised land.

Have I not called you "Deliverer"?

The one who delivers?

The one who shall birth multiples?

The one who provides a way of escape?

Stop behaving like you are ordinary!

Have I not given you divine strength, that no hostile power can overcome?

Have I not given you my words to speak?

Yes Lord but who will provide for us, how will we lead them out, by what means shall we reap your promised harvest?

Have I not given you a unique seed?

The seed of fire!

The seed that warms.

The seed that contains fire.

No ordinary fruit, for you are not ordinary.

Show me how to receive that, how to grow that, how to define that, please Lord!

Have I not given you the eyes of Elisha!

For you shall say unto them "I don't see it that way"

And you will say of me, "Open their eyes that they may see it as I do"

Are you not my forerunner?

Are you not the one who has been walking this way for so long?

Yes Lord but I would ask you to show me a landmark, show me the way, for you are the way, show me the way this day. Take my hand and pull me forward.

For you know the way forward, let that be your series. Let that guide your steps and theirs.

For you shall define the way.

And I shall make a way for your steps.

And they shall follow in your footsteps.

And I will cause them to follow you.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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