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Give me a break.

Break out.

Break forth.

Break through.

Break into.

Break out of.

Break free.

Be free.

Without restraint.

The broken chains.

All that you see around you lies broken before you.

Shell shocked.

For when the birthing comes.

For when the time comes.

For when the cracking comes.

For when the edge is revealed.

For when the breaking occurs.

For when the shell is broken.

For when the shall is broken.

For when the will is broken.

For when the path is broken.

For when the way is broken.

Is this not the new way?

Is this not the way made.

For when the blockage is broken.

For when the dam wall is broken.

For when that which is erected before you is demolished.

For when the way is made.

For when the chains that bound you are broken.

For when the release is announced.

For when the proclamation of freedom is made.

For when that which flows is released.

An explosive flow.

The release of that which contained you.

The breaking of brokenness.

The unveiling of wholeness.

The rise of that which is whole.

From the brokenness comes wholeness.

For the shell, the shelter, the container, the protector, the wrapper, the hard thing, the uneven thing, the round thing, the merry go around thing, the evenly shaped thing, the expected thing, the usual thing, the obvious thing, the ordinary thing, that which contains - has served its purpose.

For just as the shell of the egg was fit for a purpose, there comes a time where it has served its purpose.

At first protective, a shelter, a safe place, a vehicle of conception, of incubation, of formation, of realisation, of containment, of limitation.

But now a vehicle of manifestation, of brokenness, a means of breakthrough.

For from brokenness comes wholeness - it is my design.

For it is not as at seems.

To look at the egg, it seems to be a perfect representation of wholeness, of symmetry, of design, of perfection.

Yet that which lies within is far greater than that which is represented without.

The shell is designed to reveal that which lies within.

For when the time of the breaking comes.

When that which was designed to protect, confines, then it must be broken.

For it has served its purpose.

That which held you up, that which held you in, that which embraced you….

Now releases you, breaks you free.

For this is the birth of freedom.

This is the season without restraint, without confinement, the season of exploration, of discovery, of manifestation, of realisation, of renewed purpose.

For the chick in the egg is being formed, the work is one of development.

The bird once revealed, moves freely, and the work is to explore, to soar, to find prey, to carry goodness from one to another.

What is it you see now?

The breaking of a huge egg, yet what lies within is so unexpected, so much larger than its container. A fountain gushing all around, continually flowing into streams across the barren land.

Have you not seen?

Have you not been paying attention?

For I bring forth, I birth forth, I spring forth the new thing, from the hollow thing?

What is it you see now?

The hollow womb, the womb that is designed to be hollow, to be empty, to await the seed of fullness.

For the egg lies out in the open, to show the process of conception to manifestation.

The child rests hidden in the womb, in an organic container, in the container of expansion.

Forming wholeness from nothingness, from emptiness, from the hollow place, from the resting place, from the nurturing place, from the supplied place.

For when the water breaks.

For when the water has broken.

For when the breakthrough comes.

The hidden treasure is revealed.

The wholeness is manifest.

The deliverer is delivered to bring forth deliverance.

For I am delivering you, I am your mid-wife, I am right there to bring you forth, to present you, to announce the birth.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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