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Mouth to mouth.

From my mouth to yours.

Up close and personal.

My version of lip reading.

From one opening to another.

From one love to another.

A transference of being.

From one being to another.

From one state of being to another.

Impact beyond measure.

A feeling beyond description.

Meaning without words.

Movement of the mouth without words.

Love beyond words.

Love beyond measure.

Love beyond description.

Two halves of a whole.

A moment of wholeness.

For you two were meant to be together.

For one makes the other whole.

For one was designed to fit with the other.

One was fashioned for the other.

For you two reflect my wholeness.

One breaks off that which was broken.

One brings healing and wholeness to that which was wounded.

For it was an eye opening moment.

A moment of boldness.

A moment I have engraved on your heart forever.

A moment of wrapping.

A presentation of a special gift.

A wrapping of all my delight.

A delightful moment.

A moment that brings you so much joy even today.

A moment of full expression.

A moment without reservation.

A moment reserved just for you.

A moment you were not prepared for.

A moment that caught you off guard.

An unguarded moment.

An unexpected moment.

A joyful moment beyond all measure.

A moment of wrapping.

A presentation of my delightful gift.

A moment I had to put on display.

A moment I could not keep to myself.

A moment easily dismissed by so many.

A moment that would offend those who don’t know what intimacy looks like.

An enticing moment, provoking your desire.

Yet a special moment.

A guilt free moment.

A delightful moment.

A moment you still struggle to describe.

A profound moment.

A moment of great freedom.

A moment of full expression.

For you see the look of joy on her face.

Unashamed delight.

Without pretence.

Without planning.

Without performance.

With reckless abandon.

With joyful abandon.

Without understanding of the impact.

A memorable moment of great momentum.

A glorious moment of all my delight.

A moment of wrapping that you are so wrapt in!

The presentation of my gift to you.

For this is what love looks like.

A moment without inhibition.

Not bashful

The full display of freedom.

The release of all my delight.

A taste of all that was to come.

A glimpse of all that is to come.

For I love to make you smile.

I’m not shy in my approach.

I don’t consult with spectators to see what they think.

I’m happy to display all my love and affection.

In fact you can still remember the shocked look on their faces when she walked through the room.

You could feel the temperature rise as the radiance of my glory walked by!

For her it was a small thing.

Yet for me it was a big thing.

For it is time for my love to come out of hiding!

For you it was such a bold thing.

Such a kind thing.

A moment of such kindness.

Such a gift of great joy, fullness of joy a bursting forth of all my joy!

A treasured moment.

The release of my treasure.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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