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By what criteria?

By what checklist?

By what definition?

How do you select what is in or out?

How do you determine what is good or bad?

How do you know what is good for you?

When my goodness showed up, you were not even facing in the right direction!

For you heard a sound of my goodness, you inclined your ear toward it, and found your eyes pointing in a new direction.

And there she was.

So unexpected.

So unplanned.

For your mind was blown and your mouth wide open.

For I presented such a wonderful answer to a question you were still in the process of forming.

Beyond your capacity to define, to analyse, to deconstruct, to understand, to recognise, so much more than you had hoped for.

And then she invited you out for lunch!

The look on your face was priceless.

For you did not know what to do, how to respond, how to receive such a gift.

Your only thought was to let logic prevail, “If I did not see her at the party she must be a local girl, so I had best keep my distance, lest this leads to a fruitless outcome.”

But now with hindsight, with foresight, with my sight, with insight, you would have loved to accelerate the coming together and welcomed the opportunity to connect and embrace what I had already given you.

For I know how much you wrestle with the whole possess the promised land that I have given you to possess thing, but now you see, now I have opened your eyes.

For what stands before you shall redefine you.

For my love cannot escape you.

For you cannot escape my love.

I want you to act like you already possess what I am giving you.

What would you have done if you knew she was going to be your wife?

What a great question Lord, for you know that I knew this from the first time I saw her. If I focused on my state of readiness, my capability, my capacity, I would have kept my distance as I did. If I acted based on your insight, and intent, I would have invited her out to lunch with just the two of us. When she suggested we hug as we depart I would have passionately kissed her as the heavens opened and the choir sang!

Yes that is it!

You question your boldness, even as you write your response!

Yet if you know what I have given you, then why would you hold yourself back?

To avoid embarrassment, rejection, misalignment, an inferior response.

Yet you know none of that matters to her. She has never once assessed your performance and found you lacking. She accepts you just as you are.

Yet I always want to give her my best self.

Yet if you truly knew how much she loves you, you would walk around with sore cheeks from smiling so much.

Yet I am so overwhelmed by it all Lord, your capacity to give is so much more than my capacity to receive. Increase my capacity to receive.

It is simple really, I want you to act like you are the most loved person on the planet, loved by the one, to release my love to the many.

Possess all that I have given you.

Act like you possess all that I have given you.

Be bold, be confident, be without reservation, as I have reserved so much for you.

Act like you know what is going to happen next. Act like you trust me, act like you are so loved by me!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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