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In the midst of the mist.

I am present.

Can you feel my presence?

Yes Lord, all around and within me.

For I have got you covered.

For it is me covering you.

Can you feel my touch?

Yes Lord, such a heavy weight upon me. For I cannot sleep. For I feel everything. You are my everything.

For it is I that pulls upon you.

For I want you to feel my presence.

For intensely, it overwhelms your senses.

For there is nothing I desire more than to touch you.

Yet you are so touchy about it.

So agitated.

Every sense so heightened.

For I want you to come up higher.

Higher and higher.

Increasing amplitude, wave upon wave.

So intense.

So very intense.

For I intend to break through the tension.

I intend to break in.

For I am not happy to be on the outer!

I am mounting an invasion.

I intend to inhabit you fully.

This is a take over.

For I am taking you back.

Yes I am taking you back.

I am taking possession.

Judges 6:34 But the Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon with Himself and took possession of him, and he blew a trumpet, and [the clan of] Abiezer was gathered to him.

No more ordinary.

No more ordinary.

It is time for the extraordinary!

For I designed you to stand out.

You cannot be in, you must be out.

For you shall stand out.

No really, I want you to stand out.

Why do you think I gave you the coat of many colours, of much colour?

So that I would be vibrant.

Yes you can see it now. Present in the line up, standing out in the line up.

The drab, the dull, the lifeless, the monotone, and then the splash of colour.

Why so hesitant?

For you know what I am capable of.

You want to say “after you”, but I have put you first, to the forefront.

You could not hold yourself back, and within 20 minutes, the boy was found, the lost was recovered.

Stop asking for the crumbs, when I have given you the whole loaf!

You know what happens when you ask me to do the impossible!

Yet you have put yourself in the pit.

You remain in the hidden place, yet you must respond to my call.

Once you peek out over, you are exposed and you can no longer hide.

It is time to release my power.

You just release a drop at a time, to be on the safe side.

Yet what I have for you is not on the safe side.

You know how I roll, let me remind you…

You say move out of my way and the car in front of you immediately pulls over.

You ask me to find that which was lost, and in a moment he is found.

You ask me to speak, and my words flow from your lips.

You invite me to come, and I reveal myself.

Test me and receive your testimony.

For this is not a fair fight.

Show them how it is done.

For I have called you to be a giant slayer.

Chop his head off and parade it for all to see.

Stop asking others for permission, when you have my permission.

Speak I that I have commanded you to say!

Don’t try to be free, express my freedom.

Say to yourself “feel free”



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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