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Cookies and Cream

You say to yourself “on the one hand this, and on the other hand that”

On the one side “this”, and on the other side “that”.

You present them as an either or option.

The choice being to receive one and not the other.

You put a line between the one and the other.

You want to consider the choices and then pick one.

But what is it you see now?

A coin spinning on the table, going around and around without stopping, without leaning to one side or the other, without loss of momentum.

You look at one side, and then move your position to see the other.

Rather, stay in position and take both sides, both options.

For the new mix, contains the old fragments.

Like cookies and cream ice cream. The smoothness of the cream, with the crunch of the broken pieces. You could separate the two, but they are better together.

For the one shall become the two.

The one shall become two.

The two shall become one.

The fragments of the past, mixed with the cream of the future.

The edge of brokenness, resting in the flow of the cream.

For what is the cream, without the crunch.

I know how much you love hokey pokey ice cream.

It is not just the flavour, but it is also the texture.

Each ingredient on its own is ok, but together in the mix, takes delight to another level.

For the two become one, that is called the two.

For the one is a mix of many parts.

The one is the vehicle for multiplication, for consumption, for production.

For it will be so easy for them to come back for more.

The one enhancing the other, the one adding that which is missing from the other.

For two are better than one, and a three folded cord is not easily broken.

For the mix is a mesh, not a mess.

A merge not a take over.

For one shall balance the other, shall serve to enhance the other.

It is all about the balance of flavours.

Yet it is the fragments that both surprise and delight.

They provide something to sink your teeth into, substance to the flow, texture to the flow, value to the flow.

Not so obvious to look at, but you know that there is something special contained in the flow.

For the overflow has come.

My abundance flowing over your lack.

The rubble of your past, collected and presented in the cream of the flow.

That which on its own would be dry and hard to swallow, when added to the mix adds that which was missing, and enhances that which would be bland on its own.

It is true that you have been gathering up the fragments, piecing together the puzzle pieces.

Yet I am coming to fill the gaps, my flow shall fill the gaps, shall provide the smoothness to the rough edges.

I want you to get this…

Ice-cream may be housed in a container, but it is presented standing upon, and above that which serves to hold it. It is designed to flow over the edge of that which contains it, to rise above that which holds it. It is never uniform in size, it is always presented in an extravagant fashion.

The recipient of the gift, must often place their tongue upon the edge, in order to prevent the overflow, the flow over the edge.

Behold, taste and see that the Lord is good, my goodness stretches far and above and over the edge of all that would serve to contain it.

For now it flows.

For now it is ready to come out of its incubator, its refrigerator, its storage container, to be displayed for all to see.

It is time to open the shop and give you a taste of what is to come.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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