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How may I be of service?

Lord you always have the right words for the right moment!

Is this not the point?

The point of contrast.

The making of contrast.

The highlight that brings contrast.

Before and behind.

On one side and then the other.

The shadow.

For it is but a shadow.

Light and darkness on display.

An opportunity for growth.

An opportunity to observe.

An opportunity to reflect.

To reflect upon.

For you shall walk through the valley of shadows.

What is your reflection?

Upon what will you reflect?

The light or the darkness?

Receive the embrace of the darkness or be overwhelmed by the light?

Count all the ways of the limitation or reflect my joy?

For how much more is the light reflected in the place of the broken?

Be dazzled by the light.

Be caught up in that which sparkles.

Bathe in the glory of that which sparkles, not that which is broken.

For is this not the place of reflection, the place of break through.

For when you walk through the path of brokenness, only then you will receive the breakthrough.

The proclamation of glory.

For that which is most precious is often found amidst the broken.

For what use is a diamond buried beneath the ground.

For it is first broken.

Released from confinement, released from that which contained it.

For you shall be free from containment.

My brokenness on display.

Shining glitteringly upon your head.

Released from bondage.

Broken free from containment.

Refined in the fire.

Polished to reveal the edge.

So many colours.

So much that is so precious.

For I want you to sit in the place of the contrast.

Ride in the place of the contrast.

For now is the time to smell the roses.

Now is the time for some freshness.

Now is the time for the open air.

I want you to feel the lack of confinement.

Something new to experience.

Was this not your first choice?

Riding in the open air, free from restriction?

For you shall be free from restriction.

I want you to hear the sound of freedom.

The noise, the turbulence, the noisy turbulence.

For this is the time to enter in.

This is the time for a new experience.

The time of openness.

The time of the opening.

The time of freedom.

The passage of freedom.

The announcement of freedom.

For I have broken that which confines.

For I have broken that which confines.

For you must be open and not closed.

Irritating at first, but all that is new for you feels this way.

I am moving your position.

I am releasing all that you have missed.

I am exposing you to the elements.

I am bringing forth a new experience.

Birthing a new feeling.

For this is what freedom feels like.

For I present before you a choice:

Accept restriction or experience a new freedom.

Will you not count the joys in it?

List all the joys.

For you walk in the path of the highlight. You are my highlighter.

Exposing that which is underneath.

For the exposure brings forth the contrast.

Both the light and the dark edges.

Glistening in the dark.

Sparkling like the sun.

For I have given you that which is most precious.

And cut through and make plain….

And cut through and make plain…

Paths for your feet.

New paths for your feet.

A new crossing.

A new path.

A highway across the valley.

A smooth path.

A distinctive path.

An elevated path.

An unrestricted path.

The path of unrestricted movement.

The path without any sharp turns.

The path without any intersections.

The path with no signs for stopping.

The path without obstacles.

The place of the coming and the going.

The place designed to transport much.

The means of delivery.

The means of connection.

Selah, pause and reflect, pause and reflect upon, pause and reflect upon my goodness.

For behold I am doing a new thing, do you not perceive it, will you not earnestly give heed to it?

Springs of living water in the desert place, in the dry place.

A new contrast.

A new flow.

New possibilities in the place of restriction, in the place of limitation.

In the place without habitation, a new habit, a new community, a new thing, a thriving community.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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