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Coming Together

The coming together.

The coming of togetherness.

The crossing of the paths.

The crossroads.

The crossing over.

The bringing together of that which was separated.

The bringing together of that which was alone.

The connecting of disparate parts.

The gathering of the fragments.

The bringing forth of wholeness.

The establishment of wholeness.

The absence of brokenness.

The reformation.

The reforming.

The re forming of that which was broken.

The reforming of that which was unformed.

The reforming of that which not yet complete.

The completion of wholeness.

The birth of wholeness.

The combination of that which was previously separate.

The reforming of that which was formed.

The two becoming one, the one becoming two, the two becoming four.

The multiplication of multiples.

The product of togetherness.

The produce of togetherness.

The piecing together of that which looked broken.

The coming together.

The coming of togetherness.

The birth of wholeness.

The arrival of that which you hoped for.

The coming of fertility.

The birth of fruitfulness.

The banishing of that which was barren.

The renewal of containment.

The renewed ability to carry.

The restoration of the womb.

The healing of the wound.

The grafting together.

The one alongside the other.

Two branches of the one tree.

Each bearing their own fruit, but from the same root.

The seed born from the fire, the passion of my fire, the raging fire, the fire that cannot be put out.

For the fruit contains my fire, the warmth of my fire.

For I have gathered up all that was lost, I have bottled up all the tears you cried and those you kept to yourself.

Like pieces of a much bigger puzzle, when you look at each all you see is a broken piece, all I see is how it fits into the bigger picture.

For togetherness is coming, wholeness is coming, and brokenness is departing.

For when you look behind you all you see is a trail of brokenness, yet I want you to look forward, look towards, for behold wholeness is coming, wholeness is on its way.

For I command a blessing, you need to agree with it, and walk in it.

For the path that looks broken to you is actually the paved path.

Don’t say “off course”, say “of course”, for I have established your course, stay on course, define the course for others, break open a way for many shall follow you.

Be confident, act like you know where you are going, for when you walk with “The Way” who can get in your way, and how can you be “off course?”

Abandon brokenness, and take the hand of wholeness, and leave the whole thing to me.

For what is it you see before you?

A great unveiling of a masterpiece, built by the master from all our “pieces”.

For I know the plans and the paths I have for you, I know the way ahead, just take another step towards that which you cannot grasp. Let go of brokenness and embrace togetherness.

Be one with the one that you love so much.

For I love the way you feel in her embrace, and as you would say “it is like heaven on earth.”

Take a step forward and look out for the unveiling that is to come.

For once her beauty was veiled before you, but then in a day you saw all that was to be revealed, and yet each day discover more of my goodness.

Hold fast to my goodness, hold fast to that which is good for I am coming soon!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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