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Coming to a Point

Coming to a point.

Sharpening the point.

Refining the point.

Coming to a point.

Shaving off that which is pointless.

Smoothing the rough edges.

Shedding that which has no value.

Removing that which is blunt.

For I am sharpening your edge.

Don’t be cheesed off.

For that which grates against your flesh, is to your benefit.

Lay aside.

Lay aside the excess.

Put aside that which weighs you down.

For you don’t know what you carry.

Put down the luggage.

Come out from all the baggage.

Rest your weary arms.

Relax and take a breath.

Say “Ahhhhh!”

Seriously say “Ahhhhh!”

For there you sit trying to get a grip, yet it is I that has hold of you.

For nothing shall take you our of my hand.

Be without restraint.

Lay aside the bondage.

Put aside the chains that weigh you down.

For I have hold.

Just behold for I have hold of you.

For how can anything be lost from me?

How can anything be lost on me?

For I am steadying your steps.

You can lean on me.

Feel free to lean on me.

For I can take the weight, I can take the strain.

For I have hold of you.

For when you cannot hold yourself up, I have hold of you.

You shall not fall.

You shall not fall.

For though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down for the LORD has hold of him.

For the LORD up holds him with his righteous right hand.

For it is I that has brought you to this place.

For it is I that lead you here.

For at this point.

For at this time.

For this time.

For this point.

On point.

For you think it is that time in the movie, where the tension rises, where the hero has lost all that matters to him, where he was knocked down again, where his vision is blurred, where he struggles to breathe, where the wind is knocked out of him, and his eyes glaze over.

Then he realises who he really is.

Then he changes gear.

Then he taps into something that he has never before.

Then this supernatural force flows through his body.

Then the fire burns in his eyes.

Then the fire burns within his eyes.

Then my fire rises from within his being.

For who can thwart my plan?

Who can stop me?

Who can interrupt my plan?

Who can cut me off?

Who has the power to stop me?

For you want to hold yourself down.

You want to suppress all that rises within you.

You feel your soul tearing away from your spirit.

You feel that you are losing the fight to hold on.

You feel yourself slipping away.

You feel your very self falling away.

You just want to lie down and not get up again.

Yet you know that is not how the story ends.

You know what happens next.

These words rise again from your lips “GET BEHIND ME SATAN”.

And the room shakes with my presence.

You feel the doors rattling.

You sense everyone running away scared.

You hear everyone gasp and take a step back.

A scurrying out of the room, with genuine terror falling upon them from all around.

Then a great peace invades.

An inner strength rises like never before from the depths of your being.

And then you are able to rise.

And then you can stand again to your feet.

For you can feel the tremors again.

For you can hear the shaking again.

For you can sense the darkness quivering, you can see your enemies mouth trembling as the look of such abject terror rises on his face.

What do you know?

That’s my question for you now..

The same power that raised Christ from the dead, lives in me.

For I am waking up that power.

I am igniting that which burns within you.

For you shall see it manifest within your hand.

For I am breaking off your shyness.

I am shedding the old skinny clothes, and manifesting the fullness of all that I have placed within you.

That shaking you feel, is the trembling of those that oppose your movement.

For you know the power.

The power of N.

To the power of N.

You can feel it break away from all that surrounds it.

You can see now the breaking of the mould.

The pressure you feel all around is designed to free you from the mould.

For you were designed to break the mould.

You shall not fit in.


You feel the bruises and the scars from those who have tried to make you fit, to force a fit.

But you were always my special piece.

I see you as a piece of a different puzzle, trying to be squeezed into a place you just don’t fit.

Yet this is what I have designed you for.

What is it you see right now.

The placing of a puzzle piece on the blank table, where there is no other piece. And then in a moment I see you constructing and shaping other pieces that fit with my piece, building the puzzle and laying it down all around me until the picture is complete.

For you are my point.

You are the picture.

You are the new thing that I am doing.

First the pouring out.

Then the stream.

Then the vibrant community in the desolate place.

For what I have placed within you shall come out of you.

That which I have placed within you, shall define your placement, the place upon which you call your own.

For this new territory shall be defined my you.

Enter in.

For I have given you the means of access.

For this is no trespass, this is the owner taking up occupancy.

Move in.

Take possession of.




Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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