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In the coming.

In the going.

In the coming and the going.

I am coming for you.

I am stepping in.

I am stepping towards you.

I am coming for you.

Yes, I came for you.

What is the word that stands out to you the most?

"I am coming for you". When your chosen was coming towards me with a transformative gift.

I knew it was you. You were so kind, as to let me know that you were coming for me, but I love so much that you stopped first for my beloved. For she was so keen for me to be healed, and yet you were so kind as to put her first.

I knew it was you, only you. Thanks for thinking of me, and what was important to me.

For you knew that I not here for a "show", but only for you.

Yet I am still coming for you.

You wonder who you have become, for you know that you are no longer who you once was.

But you already knew at the start of all this what I was on about.

Yes Lord, I wonder how everyone get so excited for there word for the year, like you only have one thing to say.

You know I always have something to say.

Yes Lord, but it seems that is only because you have opened my ears to your voice.

I feel so caught up in the whirlpool, the crashing waves, that I need to refocus so as to avoid drowning.

Yet these words stand out to me, "reformation", and "new patterns"

It was on the basis of "new patterns" that I sold my dream car.

It was on the basis of your transforming gift that we are now in the process of "reformation"

I feel the pull to go back to old patterns as a means of stability, comfort and security. And yet I cannot, as nothing is familiar.

You wonder what to say, you wonder who you will become, you wonder how you will stand out in the crowd, yet your desire is to retreat into the darkness of your cocoon and not come out.

You know these are not the plans I have for you.

Have I not brought you to the place of wonder?

Is it not all about posture?

For there you stand on the pinnacle with these defining words written above you "I am not an ordinary person."

It is like you have reached the limit of your human experience, the pinnacle of that which has limited you.

Resting on the Edge, you sit and ponder the height of the impending fall.

When for me this is simply the launching pad for all that I have promised you.

As one of your favourite preachers said "you are not limited by your capabilities, but only by what you believe!"

It is like I have taken you to the height of yourself, and your only question for me is "how do I get down"

For you are so used to crawling that your mind goes first to look for a branch of the familiar upon which to crawl.

Yet this space has no boundary, this space is only defined by the movement of the air.

I feel like Peter, walking on the water like no man before or since, but seeing the size of the waves I am beginning to sink.

Yet what is it you see now?

A vision of me being pulled forward by a school of fish, as I hold the net that contains them, like a water skier skimming across the surface.

For your enemy seeks to distract you, to have you look upon the waves as a threat, rather than something exciting to be surfed.

For I compel you to act.

I compel you to lead.

I compel you to show them the way.

I stir the fire within you to break forth with proclamation.

For you shall not drown, you shall show them how to surf, how to ride this wave of great change.

For I am coming for you, I am coming with you, wherever you go I am with you.

Invite them to come closer, invite them to come over, invite them to come.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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