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Come Out!

Be unwound.

Be unwrapped.

Unwrap yourself.

For you are bound to be free.

Wrapped up so tightly that you can barely breathe.

Layer upon layer, trying to protect yourself.

Trying to shield yourself from harm.

Yet all you are doing is restricting your movement.

Thrust into the open.

Called out from the cave.

Released from the tomb.

Called to be released.

Moved by my word, moved in response to my word.

For he was long gone before I arrived.

For he was long gone before I arrived.

For I timed my arrival after his departure.

Returned to the darkness.

Shut up in the place of darkness.

Confined to the darkness, shut up by the darkness.

Resting in the place of darkness.

And then my light shone.

That which was placed in the way, to seal the deal, was now rolled away.

The darkness exposed to the light.

The prisoner of darkness exposed to the light.

For my light shone in his darkness.

In the place of his last movement.

In the place of the placing, in the place of the final placement, in the place of final movement, in the the final movement, placed in the darkness away from the light.

Locked up in darkness.

Bound in darkness.

His final breath stolen from him.

Everyone spoke of my tardiness.

Everyone said of me, that I should have been there.

All the "if only's".

Holding me responsible for his death.

They had signed off, they had resigned themselves that it was the end. And they wrote it on the parchment.

Signed by the author of death.

And yet my light shone.

And yet in the place of placement, there was displacement.

Movement in the place of placement, displacement in the place of placement.

For you speak of finality, like you have the last word on your future.

I hear you say "the end."

I hear you heart saying "it's over."

I see you wrapping yourself in the grave clothes.

Layer, by layer, wrapping yourself, confining yourself, preparing yourself for the end.

Choosing your plot.

Writing the story about your end.

Walking into the tomb of your making, and rolling in the stone of closure.

For you just want it to be over.

And yet I have placed my fire within you.

What is it you see now?

The remnants of the final ash heap, sparking into life, the sparks rising higher and higher and your lips blew upon them. Forming a raging fire. And then a body emerged from the fire, breathing sparks of life, glowing with the radiance of your glory.

For you confuse yourself with words of darkness and death.

For you have always been a man of fire.

For who can put out my fire!

For you shall burn away that which strives to hold you down.

For I have placed upon your lips, words of fire.

For you are no ordinary man.

I see you trying to compose yourself, when my hand is upon your hand, my words are upon your lips, my thoughts are now your thoughts.

I see you trying to contain yourself, and yet here you sit with your hand shaking as you write.

Break out of the ordinary, and receive that which extra-ordinary.

For what I have given you is so far from ordinary.

For you want to recede into the background, into the tomb of darkness, and yet I am calling you out into the light, to be the manifestation of my light, my life.

For you walk with me now. For I have given you access. You remember these words and this flashback now.

Coming to the happening place, the club with swarms of people all lining up trying to get in, and then as I walk towards it with you, I heard you say to the butler "HE IS WITH ME!". And the door of the entrance opened and beamed with your light, like light recognising its source.

I see you wrestling with your exposure, with your position, with your sight, like you can barely open your eyes as they are so accustomed to the darkness.

And yet I have made your eyes sensitive to the light, sensitive to my light, bathed in my light, reflecting my light, manifesting my light.

For it shall be as you see it.

For the correct response to the light, is to walk towards it, to embrace it, to be wrapped in it, to be wrapped by it.

For you shall be a vessel of light, of my delight.

You were always designed to stand out from the crowd, to be of a different spirit.

I see you wrestling with the creature called "embarrassment", trying to win.

And yet since when have you ever felt the need to embrace it?

For your enemy lures you in, trying to convince you of your irrelevance, trying to make you fit in, trying to hold you down, trying to convince you that you should be like everyone else.


I have anointed you, I have appointed you, I have endorsed you. You speak my words.

Speak to the dry bones and I SHALL bring them to life!

For now is the time of the turning.

For now is the time of access.

For now is the time of brilliance!

For you shall reflect all my desire, for you shall be desired.

Do not hold back, for you won't be embarrassed.

For it is time to take off the grave clothes, and step into the new life I have set before you.

For this is no ordinary time, but an extraordinary event.

For I have called you out, I have called you by name, I have called you to move.

A new beginning, a new mantle, a fresh exposure.

My coming out party!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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