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Check This Out!

For I woke you up with these words.

Check out.

The one set against another.

The one in contrast to another.

In bass relief.

Without relief.

One opposed to the other.

On the one side a desire to check out.

On the other side a desire to check it out.

One expresses desire towards.

The other expresses a desire to withdraw, to shrink back, to step back, to step away, to take your hands off the wheel.

Which is it you desire?

To check in or to check out?

For you must first check out to then check in.

For the one comes before the other.

First you need to check the destination.

For how do you check in, if you have not yet checked it out?

Yet you feel Ike you are standing at the checkout counter.

You are not sure whether it is the checkout aisle, when you place what is precious to you in the conveyor belt and watch it leave your hand.

All you feel is the loss and see no gain.

For is this not the place of the passing?

The passing of the item to the cashier?

Yet it feels like you have either lost it for good, or you will have to pay for it again in order to possess it.

You have the released that which you possess and then wonder where your possessions have gone.

Yet I have kept it for you. For you will possess the land as you place your foot upon it.

Why do you think that all you can do right now is pace around the land, around the flow, around the stream?

Am I not making my point?

For how can you be robbed of that which I have given you to possess?

For have I not given you the gift?

Does not the one who is gifted bear many gifts, carry many gifts?

You need to act like you own this place.

Seriously act like you own that which you wish to possess.

Be supremely confident.

Be over confident. For I have given you confidence over it.

For you shall rule over it.

First the checking out before the checking in.

Then the checking out in order to check in.

For you must leave yourself behind.

Leave you old self behind.

For you have no need of the old vitality, when you possess my strength.

Yes be strong in the Lord and the the power of his might. Be strong in my power. For I declare you to be mighty.

For in leaving the old you shall embrace the new.

For the new is so much better than the old.

Did I not say you shall be the rebuilder of ancient ruins, the repairer of the breach?

Yes Lord.

Yet am I going to settle for the new to look like the old?

Will we not construct that which is new from the fragments of the old.

In 52 days.

After 52 days the wall shall be built.

For the building was for a place to house a community, to provide protection and provision for my people.

And the enemy shall pay tribute to you.

Expect the tributes to flow.

For this shall be the work of my hands. For my glory.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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