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There is a certain space in an uncertain place.


In the eye of the storm there is great calm.

By the fire, in the tent of meeting, there is joy and delight.

In the place of turbulence, there is a place of great calm.


Rise above.

Be up, not down.

Feel my warm by the fire.

In the place of absence, feel my presence.

The mist in the midst.

An invasion of great calm.

Let calmness invade.

In the trembling place.

In the agitated place.

In the chaotic place.

What does the oil of joy feel like?

What does the oil of joy look like?

It has a great gentleness about it.

It contains the warmth of my affection.

It flows down upon you now.

It pours from your pores when you pause.

It is time to pause.

Just pause.

For it is in the stillness my joy flows.

Just feel my touch.

The warmth of my touch.

My words echoing in your ears.

The voice of stillness.

The invasion of calm.

The disturbance of that which disturbs.

The breaking of brokenness.

Why multiply the negative?

How will a multiplied negative deliver a positive result?

Is this not the time of the turning?

Turnaround and see the turnaround.

Why look back, when you can look forward?

For you shall not be behind hand on that day.

For I was before, before you were behind.

I was ahead before you were behind.

There is a reason to bury the dead.

For their time has come, and your time has come.

One is over and the other is under.

You remember the final lowering, the final act of humility, before the great elevation.

You want to join him there. You want to bury yourself with him, you want to lie down in the darkness and make yourself invisible.

But it shall not be so!

But it shall not be so!

But is shall not be so!

For one now lies beneath, the other now rises above.

For my glory shines upon you.

Receive the mantle of glory.

For it shall be glorious!

For the time of the passing has past.

The time of great acceleration has come.

Once a little step, now a giant leap!

Do you think anything was not planned by me?

For all that has past, has set you up for this moment.

For you see it now don’t you!

The light beaming, stronger than the sun, beaming down upon me like a spotlight.

What I am about to do, has never been seen before!

Dazzling, beyond belief, beyond your belief.

For it rises before you now.

An invasion of my glory.

An invasion of my glorious light.

For my light shines in the darkness and is not overcome by it.

Now is the time for you to shine.

Brighter and brighter, more and more, over and over, more and more, more multiplied, the multiplication of more.

Beyond all belief.

Staggeringly beyond belief.

For I have broken through…..

You feel the shift.

You feel the tremor.

You feel the breaking down.

For I am destroying the enemy’s fortress.

Let the weak say I am strong for what the Lord has done for me!

For I will render to utter desolation that which comes against you. Wiped out, pulverised to a fine powder.

For the dust will settle.

When the dust settles.

Put on my coat of great calm.

Receive my calm.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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