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At the centre.

Be centred.

Be central.

Be at the centre.

Just be at the centre.

At the pivot point.

At the place of the pivot.

Be pivotal.

For you are central to my plan.

You are the hub.

My focus is on you.

My attention is drawn to you.

In your flesh you feel so broken, yet in your spirit you are whole.

Be whole.

Come together at the centre.

Express yourself.

Pour out yourself.

Desire yourself.

Let go of yourself.

It is ok to be you.

For you gaze upon another with great desire, and yet express no desire for yourself.

You say unto yourself “I am barely holding it together!”

I say to you “you represent my wholeness.”

For what have you gathered?

I feel all that is broken, and know not what to gather.

I see you trying to piece it all together, to piece together the wall I have broken.

For you shall have your break through, when you are through with brokenness.

You say unto yourself “I am broken!”

I say unto you “You are whole!”

You say “I am weak!”

I say “My strength is made perfect in your weakness”

You say “I don’t know how and where to stand”

I say “having done all to stand!”

Have I not gone before you?

Did I not say “you will take the first step on the well worn path?”

For I have gone backwards and forwards on this path for many years, preparing that which is to come whilst preparing that which is.

Yet I feel so unprepared, that I have gone backwards, whilst you have gone forwards.

Did I not say “you will be staggered at what I am going to do?”

You step back and worry.

I’d rather you step back in wonder.

For my goodness is bestowed on you.

My goodness is bequeathed unto you.

There you sit and wonder what you will say, how you will speak, and try to write the script.

Have you not learnt anything from this past season?

Put your words upon my lips.



Is this not so straightforward?

You struggle with the words to say, yet I have no problem expressing myself.

Come again Lord, speak again Lord, write the words you would have me say, speak through me, speak for me, advocate for me, open the door for me.

Now we are really talking!

For I am not lost for words!

I am not searching for the next word to say.

I am not struggling to describe what I offer, who I am.

I am a great mystery to you.

I describe myself, I refer to myself, I say unto them “I am” sent you.

You sit and wait for the next word.

You are anticipating an explanation.

You are expecting me to say I am this or I am that, as though the “what” would give some sense of the “why”, when I am more interested in the “who”.

"I am" conveys you are present, your presence is what really matters. Without tense - not I was, but I am. It conveys you are present in my absence, you are there even if I am not. For you will never leave me or forsake me.

Say unto yourself “I am”…

  • I am present.

  • I am chosen.

  • I am loved.

  • I am set apart.

  • I am blessed beyond measure.

  • I am full of your fullness.

  • I am breaking through.

  • I am strong.

  • I am found.

  • I am deliverance.

  • I am providence.

  • I am sure.

  • I am confident.

  • I am precious.

  • I am a mighty warrior.

  • I am an overcomer.

  • I am not overcome.

It is time to enter in through the gate.

Is is time go out out through it.

It is time to lead my people forward.

It is time to express yourself.

It is time to express me.

It is time to let me out.

For those who sow in tears shall reap in joy, bringing their sheaves with them.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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