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For you will celebrate.

Repeat after me and say “my goodness”.

For you shall experience my goodness, like never before.

I am making you the centre of attention, the centre of my affection.

This is what it looks like to me...

An affirmation.

A proclamation.

A procession.

A new sound.

A new light, a fresh light.

A spotlight.

An explosion of light.

A electric pathway.

A magnetic pathway.

A show of lightning, a path of lightning.

For here comes the bride.

Arrayed in the finest robe.

Bursting with my delight. Radiating my joy.

A showcase of my delight.

The power of my delight.

A new word for you.

A fresh word for you.

A word that becomes you.


For you shall have gravitas.

Can you feel the strength?

Be not weighed down but be lifted up.

For I have given you the power to draw.

The power to lift up.

The power to tear down.

The power to plant.

The power to build up.

Great power.

Multiplied power.

The power to multiply.

The power to amplify.

The power that resonates across the land.

For here is my answer to this question?

Who takes this person in marriage?

I do.

For I extend my hand to you.

I have drawn you and am drawn to you in the place of the drawing.

I have reserved the bridal waltz for me.

Don’t worry for I have all the right moves.

I won’t slip up, I will do all the work, I I need you to do is follow my lead.

Be like the man who stands and spins the most attractive girl around the dance floor. For you know it will be me doing all the moves.

You only have eyes for me.

Your eyes will be on me, but everyone else’s will be on you.

It shall be beyond glorious, mind blowing, for I will be blowing on their minds.

They will just pause in awe and wonder, occasionally opening their eyes to wipe the tears from their eyes, and the drool from their lips.

I am celebrating you in this season.

I am attending to your way in this season.

I am leading the dance in this season.

I am creating an extraordinary event, a majestic moment of great majesty.

Like nothing before.

Like NOTHING before.

A momentous moment of great momentum.

For I was there when you held hands for the first time.

I was there in the taking of the hand.

I was there in the holding of your hands.

I was there in your favourite picture.

Standing there in the garden, looking back with a sense of occasion and excitement, with confident exuberant expectation at the journey ahead.

For you have walked the path, now celebrate the destination.

This is what it looks like as you leave the church....

An opening of a giant door, with a burst of light shining from the heavens above.

As you exit the door there is a glorious moment of great glory, where the whole of heaven celebrates with you.

For such is my love for you, this will be no ordinary event, but a true celebration of my goodness.

Get ready for all my love to be poured out upon you.

For I have declared you to be worthy of my greatest affection.

Celebrate my love with the one you love.

For my banner over you is love.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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