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In the quietness, in the stillness I hear your voice calling.

Be still and know that I am God.

For quietness and confidence shall be your strength.

How was it for you?

How did it feel to be so still?

Majestic, wonderful, full of wonder, full of your fullness, the best time.
For my beloved knows not, how much she means to me.
I don’t remember much of anything, as to be with her is overwhelming, is all consuming.
To place my hand upon her thigh, is to come home, is to be at peace, is to just know what goodness is.
In the quietness, in the stillness, I can feel your presence.
Overwhelming, yet comforting, like being wrapped in a blanket of great love.
To be led to a place on the hill, to be seated in the presence of greatness, to rest my hand upon your greatness, is overwhelming.
I can barely function, yet to rest my hand upon her is to receive the power of your goodness, your kindness, the love of your beloved.
It is so emotional for me, beyond description, beyond words, beyond all definition, beyond all that is material, to embrace that which I cannot grasp.
Beyond love, beyond anything physical, so profound that I cannot describe it. I can only sit and feel your presence within and without.
The power of your presence, like sitting with you, is what it is to sit with her.
It rises up within me, it pours from my pores, when I pause and reflect upon your love.

I love your passion, I am stirring up your passion, I am pouring accelerant on your passion, I am lighting a flame that shall be all consuming.

For you see it now, you feel it now.

For my intention is to burn down the enemies camp.

For what is it that they all say about you?

I love your love for your beloved, you two are so very special, I love the way you just sit together, you define our couple goals, you two should run a marriage counselling course.

For I love your love.

I am manifesting more and more of my love.

For my love pours from your pores when you pause.

For there shall be a great drawing, a drawing to your greatness. My love poured out like a drink offering.

In the afterglow, in the great outpouring, after the climax, after the full gift of the giving and the receiving, there you shall pause.

There you shall linger.

There you shall stay.

There you shall rest.

In the place of great glory.

In the habitation of my glory.

In the glow of my glory.

In the blanket of my love.

In the kindness of my affection.

In the warmth of my embrace.

In the caress of my love.

In the place of the letting.

In the place of the letting go.

In the place of the unbinding.

In the place of the unbound.

In the place of the uncovering.

In the place of the discovering.

In the habitation of peace.

In the pitching of tent of happiness.

In the place of respite.

In the place of fullness.

In the reviving and the restoring, the giving and the receiving, the power of connection, the release of intimacy, the breaking of intimidation, the clothing with confidence, the enabling and empowering. The release of my fullness, the blessing of bestowing, the garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness.

For my delight is in her, my beauty clothes her, my warmth radiates from her, my affection on display, my joy on display, my kindness on display. The manifestation of my glory.

For this is what glory looks like, feels like, is like.

For my glory flows upon her, my hand rests upon her, my affection is towards her, my faces smiles upon her, my reflection lights her face, my joy beams from her.

For in your hand I have placed great power.

In the afterglow, in the overflow, in the manifestation of the flow, your hand shakes with power.

You could feel me bursting with delight, you could see me flowing over and upon her, all around, for she tried to stop the shaking, for she knew not from whence it came, but could not.

For I have chosen you to express my flow, to release my flow, to overflow. For I have given you the cup of overflow.

The full expression of my fullness, the full expression of my delight, for my love bursts forth, my love cannot be contained, my love rests upon her, stirs you, elevates you, delights in you both.

For what is it you see?

Dancing with my love, spinning her around, showing her off, manifesting your delight, showing off your gift.

For what is to come is so much more that what was before.

For what lies before, shall overwhelm all that was before.

For the largest pit, shall become the greatest reservoir.

For who can contain my love?

Who can stop my kindness?

For it is by grace that you are saved, not of works, lest any man should boast.

Bathe in my love, rest in my love, inhabit my love, manifest my love.

For my love pours from your pores when you pause.

SS 2:10-14
The one I love calls to me:
The Bridegroom-King Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling.
Come away with me!
I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out.
For now is the time, my beautiful one.
The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended,
and the season of hiding is over and gone.
The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers.
The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived.
I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you
and guide you forth.
Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you?
The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth.
The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere.
The fragrance of their flowers whispers,
“There is change in the air.”
Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place.
For now is the time to arise and come away with me.
For you are my dove, hidden in the split-open rock.
It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky.
Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice.
How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice in prayer.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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