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Your cadence is off.

What the heck is cadence?

Go and look it up.

Definition of cadence 1a : a rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language b : the beat, time, or measure of rhythmical motion or activity c : a regular and repeated pattern of activity 2a : a falling inflection of the voice b : a concluding and usually falling strain specifically : a musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic close or point of rest and giving the sense of harmonic completion 3 : the modulated and rhythmic recurrence of a sound especially in nature

What do you think, is this not the right word?

What stands out to you?

A falling inflection of the voice.

I love the point you chose.

Shall we talk about that?

Do we have to!

Of course.

I did say repeat after me “of course”, not “off course”.

For your cadence is off.

You think you are off course, rather say “of course”

For how will you speak “of course”, will your inflection not be up, rather than down?

Who told you, you are off course?

Do not say this to your self.

Take another step with confidence.

Am I not for you?

If I am for you, who can be against you?

Do not be against yourself, be for yourself.

Rise up, my fair one and come away.

For it is I that calls you to arise.

You look for fairness, yet I have call you the fair one.

I have called you to rise up, leave it to me to determine what is fair.

For I know what fairness looks like, I am looking at it.

If your enemy says that is “not fair”, are you going to agree with him or me?

For I will determine what fairness looks like, leave it with me.

Have I not set you apart?

Have I not called you by name?

Have I not chosen you?

Have I not appointed you?

For the time of your appointment is here.

Take up your position.

Lead from the front, Lord it over them, proclaim my goodness over them, set your course, say of course, map it out for them, for it shall be as you declare.

Does not the king have my authority?

You act like an exile.

You reject the title.

You depose yourself, to dispose of yourself.

You say no to yourself.

For you can’t forget the former thing.

You do not want to relive the trauma.

Yet it shall not be as before.

For who can stand in my way when I choose to bless you?

Who can stop me from acting?

Who can thwart my plans?

Is it not inevitable.

For it shall not be as before.

You remind me of Moses, once eloquent of speech and perfect in execution, yet telling me to send Aaron. What a laugh. SERIOUSLY WHAT A LAUGH!

You crack me up!

Seriously you crack me up!

And here you sit, and here you sit, trying to mind your own business, to stay out of trouble.

Yet tell me what you see!

Describe it for me!

Multiplied multiples, eggs cracking open, bursting forth on the right and the left. All at once, all at once, so many all at once, a chorus of sound, the sound of crying babies.

This is what cracking up looks like to me.

Do you not think I have suitably prepared for this moment?

Do you think for a moment, I would send anyone else?

After all the effort I have put in to qualify you for this task!

Why would I then choose anyone else but you?

You are my first choice!

For the very ground shakes in agreement with me!

The enemy trembles at my declaration.

For you shall surpass your own expectation.

Have I not equipped you for this position.

Check it out.

For this is no put on.

Here put this on.

Seriously put this on!

For that which once felt uncomfortable, shall now fit you like a glove.

Go to the dressmaker, for I have tailor made this outfit for you.

Abandon all.

Abandon all thoughts of shyness!

Feel my boldness, within and without. I am supremely confident in you.

For it glistens before you.

All around you.

For that which I have placed in the stream is so precious, beyond compare, incapable of duplication.

Navigate this.

You wonder how you will navigate this terrain.

The answer I have placed on your lips. “Of course.”

Others look to the landscape to navigate their course.

You just choose the path, and that will be the course that all shall take.

Give no regard to the obstacles before your path, for I will clear the path, I will make the crooked path straight.

Walk with boldness, pick up the pace, establish a new rhythm, utter a new cadence.

For my words shall drip off your lips.

Declare that which is not, as though it is, and watch me bring it to pass.

Take the well worn path, that no man has taken before.

Lift up your hand, lift up your eyes, lift up your voice, and watch me part the waters, watch me make a way.

Move to a harmonic close, establish a place of rest, come unto a place of rest, inhabit in the place of rest, invite all to come to a place of rest.

Leave the rest to me.

For the time of your rising is here, is now, has come.

Multiplied power, more and more, more and more power, unexpected power, the rainmaker, the one who makes things happen, the one who has the power to shift things, the one who advances when others fall back.

For this shall be spoken of you, this shall be your testimony, this shall be your endorsement, for you have my endorsement.

You have my stamp of approval, the royal seal of approval, what you shall declare shall be done, by royal decree, my royal decree.

For my power falls upon you now.

Here take my mantle.

Be remantled.

Take my cloak upon you.

For they shall know from whom your power comes.

Radiate my power.

Be radiant with my power.

For my joy shall be your strength.

Behold I am doing a new thing, now it appears on you, now it clothes you, now it falls upon you.

Unlike anything else, be unlike anything else, take my likeness upon you.

Expect everything to be different now.

For I am establishing a new cadence.

A new rhythm, a new spring in your step, new alliances, new levels, new heights, new balance, new energy, new powers, a fresh anointing falls upon you now.

What is it you see now?

Drenched in your flow, new patterns, new flows, abundance falling into my lap.

For the time of your reward is here.

Feel free to show off.

Feel free to show off my glory.

Let me give you a glimpse.

What is it you see?

What does it look like?

You coming with a gift! Under your arm a huge monolith, carved from emerald, covered in inscriptions. Designed to be a foundation for the tiny pinnacle of our success.

Unexpected blessing. When I said I would build upon the pinnacle of your success, is this not what you had in mind?

Why would I not provide the foundation, the point of elevation, upon which you shall stand?

The fulcrum, the pivot point, the monument, the underlying point?



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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