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Bursting Forth

Where ever you are there I am.

I am present with you.

I am right there in the moment.

I feel what you are feeling.

There is no need to explain to me what happened.

For I was there, I am here, and I am ahead of you.

Lord you show me a lot of what is to come, and who I am to be, but little of the how.

When you move, I move.

When you say “Of course”, I say “Yes”.

You are right where I want you to be.

Take another step forward.

For I promise to make a way, where there is no way.

Don’t look to the terrain to determine your path, just say “of course”.

Say it with gusto.

Say it with confidence.

For your confidence is not in what you can do, but what I can do.

You look to me for the how.

Yet first is the agreement to the course.

For you can see no course, yet I want you to agree that there will be a definitive outcome.

Speak with certainty about your future.

Give me something to agree with.

For your enemy wants you to feed on his words, yet I’d rather you feed on my faithfulness.

Shall I bring you to this point and not make a way for you?

For the unborn child sees no way out.

He feels increasingly limited, and more and more uncomfortable with his position. He wrestles within the darkness, in order to escape the darkness.

Yet it is an external force that opens the way.

The pressure applied, only serves to make room for his escape.

For the contraction to push forward, brings forth the expansion, the opening, to open a path, to make a way where there was no way.

For this pressure, shall only serve you, not limit you.

This pressure only serves to push you out, to push you forth into freedom.

First the water breaks.

First the flow is born.

Then comes the true birth, the movement born from movement.

For my purpose shall not be contained.

The one shall be delivered, in order to deliver the many.

The breaking out, in order to birth the means of breakthrough.

For I will carry you forth.

I will hold you in my arms.

I will feed and cloth you.

I will nurture you.

I will provide for you.

I will accelerate the delivery.

For the deliverer has come.

For the time of delivery is here.

For it is I that stirs your heart again.

For it is that ignites your desire again.

For it is I that kindles the flame within.

For it burns within.

For it burns within.

For it rises within.

It radiates without.

For there was a time to be silent.

Yet now is the time to speak.

Yet now is the time to show them a new way.

Yet now is the time to lead them back.

Now is the time of the returning.

Now is the time of the many returns.

For how they see me, is not how you see me.

I will give you the words to say.

I will cause them to be led by you.

I will cause them to follow you.

Be like Joshua and declare a crossing over date.

For in the time of the overflow, I will part the way, I will make a way, I will establish a way, I will craft a new way, I will breakthrough before you.

Take up your position.

Be out not in.

Be the author of my manifesto.

Describe how you see it, and I will make it so.

For is this not my handiwork, in your hands?

For the one receiving the gift, need not know how it works, or how much it costs.

Take another step forward.

Yet reflect on this.

Reflect not on the how, but reflect the who.

For I will cause it to be as you have said.

2 Samuel 5:19-20
David inquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand? And the Lord said to David, Go up, for I will surely deliver [them] into your hand.
And David came to Baal-perazim, and he smote them there, and said, The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like the bursting out of great waters. So he called the name of that place Baal-perazim [Lord of breaking through].



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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