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Don’t you see?

Don’t you see?

I want you to see!

Place your hands upon it.

You are standing in it.

It is all around you.

Don’t you feel it!

I want you to understand this.

I want you to stand on this.

I want you to stand in place, stand in this place, stand on this place.


You pause and wonder. You pause in wonder. You pause in frustration. You pause and want to break something.

You want to break something but it is already broken!!

You are so busy crying over that which appears to be broken, you cannot see, you cannot experience the joy, the magnitude of my breakthrough.

You are standing in the through, the place where I have broken it open!

You run your hand, your fingers across the edge of brokenness. Why so surprised to see your blood, why so surprised to feel the intense pain?!

You heard it, you felt it, the tremor, the rumble, the cry, the scream, the roar!

I heard it, I saw it, I felt it, I broke it!!

How is it you regard that which is broken?

I struggle to see it clearly, for my eyes are swollen, my eyes are sore, all I see is red, all I feel is pain or numbness.

“I know its all you’ve got to just be strong, and it is a fight to keep it together, I know you think that you are too far gone, but hope is never lost. Hold on, don’t let go, just stay. One step closer, one foot in front of the other, you’ll get through it, just follow the light in the darkness.”

Just look again, just feel again, just hope again, just perceive again, just be earnest for you don’t have to earn it.

For what is it you see now amidst the broken?

I’m standing in it. You are in the midst of it It is beautiful.

What is it that is beautiful?

For you have broken that which I could not break. That which surrounds me on all sides, broken. Completely broken. Irreparably broken. Broken with such immeasurable strength. Broken but not shattered. Broken but for a purpose, broken for a purpose. I love it when you give me the words to say, what is beyond words for me!

What else do you see?

I see clarity I see through that which was broken. I see that which flows though that which was broken.

For the flow rises up.

It wells up from within.

I had to break it, I had to bring release, I had to release you, I had to release the flow.

You pause in wonder, you pause and wonder.

Yes look again, yes look again, yes look again, yes look again.

Look again Yes, Look again Yes, Look again Yes.

For you have got it back the front.

You thought you heard no….

But hear again yes, hear again yes, hear again yes.

What was it you heard – YES!

For some things are designed to be broken, some things must be broken to reveal that which was within.

For that which contains must be broken.

For I have broken the limit.

I have broken the containment line.

Yet it is I that placed your hands upon the edge.

My handiwork, in your hands.

In a moment, in an instant, BAM.

Yes that is the word, BAM.

You heard the crack, you heard the noise, so loud that you had to close your eyes, you had a moment.

You had a moment.

You had a moment.

You know what that means…

You have momentum.

For first there is a moment, then there is momentum, then there is movement.

For you shall have movement.

Can anything stop me?

Can anything get in my way?

Once it was time to say “I’m over it”

Now it is time to say “I’m through”….

For the breakthrough is here.

For I have broken through.

Feel my power, feel my purpose, feel my strength.

Yes that is it. Don’t you love it even when autocorrect gives you the right word to write!

You have got to laugh, seriously you have got to laugh.

Man I was cracking up as you pounded the rock.

You slammed your palm into it, harder and harder, harder and harder, more and more, more and more. You laid into it, you fought for impact, you sought to have an impact.

You pressed in, you pushed in, you pounded it with such force you could no longer see.

And then what happened.

I rested my weary hand upon the rock. I took a breath and looked up, expecting to leave no trace of my effort.

Yet what was it you saw?

Unheard of impact, my hand print buried so deep into the immovable, solid rock.

For it is your gentleness that blows them away.

All you will need is a light touch.

For I have given you the power.

So much power, more and more, more and more, more and more, more and more, so much more, multiplied more, outstanding spectacular monumental more.

For this day I have made you mighty.

That’s it you can feel it can’t you.

My power flowing through you.

For he who has immeasurable power has no fear of the ruler.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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