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The redirect.

The distraction.

The old wisdom, the wisdom of the old, the learned, the powerful word.

For you know you can’t go back.

It is so lacking.

It is the place of abject lack.

There is no resonance.

The frequency is off.

Unable to tune in, for you just want to tune out.

For the new has come.

For the new has come.

A new frequency.

A whole new channel.

Beyond the old.

From the old to the new.

A shift from the old to the new.

From the priest to the prophet to the king.

From the doing, to the hearing, to the proclamation.

From the doing, to the hearing, to the proclamation.

So much power.

Beyond the natural.

Over the edge.

Crossing the line.

For there is no line.

For there is no line.

The contour of the natural boundary is irrelevant.

The detail of the problem provides no insight into the solution.

It is MY voice you hear.

And I heard an unknown voice say “today I will take the burden from off your shoulder”

This is MY voice you hear.

You feel me within and without.

It is my work.

My plan.

My purpose.

Like never before.

Unlike anything before.

Why look for a natural outcome, when you can have a supernatural one?

Let’s do something unreal.


Beyond your reality.

Beyond your ability to comprehend.

Ask me for more.


For you have seen me add, without your invitation.

Now invite me to come.

Repeat after me “let your hands be strong and hardened.”

For you have my permission to act.

For I am not asking you to crawl another step, I have given you wings to fly.

For you shall be over it.

For you shall be over it.

Over and over, over and over, more and more, line by line, precept by precept, step by step, queue by queue.

For I have called you up.

Up and over it.

Rise up and be over it.

Colour outside the lines.

Colour outside the lines.

Be not limited by the natural boundary, do not be afraid pace out your territory, expand beyond the natural limitation. Break free and get up and dance.

For I have given you the power to do the impossible.

To demolish the stronghold of the enemy.

To burn down the enemies camp.

A explosion of power.

The abject ruin.

To render that which was possessed uninhabitable.

To utterly destroy that which opposes you.

For there shall not be a trace of what was.

There will be no remembrance of what was.

There will be no monument to what was.

For I am erecting a monument to what is to come.

You wonder how it will become.

You wander around and wonder.

Rather, wander around in wonder.

For it shall be wonderful.

Unlike anything before.

Not ordinary.

Not the work of man, but my handiwork.

You wonder how to go about it, what step to take.

Here let me give you a glimpse.

Bursting forth from the dry ground, the desolate place, the place without inhabitation, the desecrated place, something never seen before. For it sparkles up like diamonds, it grows like wildfire, it blossoms with fire, it erupts like fireworks, it bursts forth with excitement. Organic but illuminated like lightning, dazzling with brilliance. Branches of light, orbs of unique fruit. For this is not ordinary, like nothing seen before.

For you shall be like a well watered garden.

Sprinkled by fire.

The work of fire.

Fire works.

Something to celebrate.

A time of great celebration.

Something to celebrate.

For this will be no ordinary event.

My power on display.

A display of great spectacle.

For what I have planned is like nothing before.

A great spectacle.

A celebration of my delight.

Bathed in the light of my great delight.

Invading the darkness.

A glorious invasion of sparkles of light, causing a trembling in the kingdom of darkness.

For I will show you the way.

You will be my oracle, the caretaker, the taker of the cares, the supplanter, the one who plants, the supply of suppleness, the point of origin, the original point.

For I will be your source material.

Look for me.

Open your ears to hear, and your eyes to see.

For your love looks upon you.

You feel so exposed, so vulnerable, so threatened, so thrust out into the limelight, but look up and see. What is it you see?

Your face shining with great delight and affection, all I see is the look of great love.

Do not be afraid for it is my perfect love on display.

You can hear the music.

Cant you hear the music.

Is it not the sound inviting the bride to come down the aisle?

For it is your time to shine, your light has come, I am so proud of you.

Rise and shine for your light has come, and my glory is revealed.

And nations shall come to the brightness of your shining.

Expect a drawing.

Anticipate a drawing, a gathering, without invitation they shall come, it is the work of my hands.

For the word has gone out.

My word has gone out.

The word upon their lips shall be “my word!”.

Amazing beyond all expectation.

Expect my hand upon your hand.

Expect my input on the design.

Anticipate my signature on the final masterpiece.

For this is the work of my hands.

Be filled with delight, for it is delight that you lack, delight is a sign of my light, it is my delight that leads to the manifestation of joy and excitement.

Receive my delight, be clothed with my delight, for your light has come, be dazzling, the manifestation of my brilliance.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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