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It is time to breathe.

Now is the time to breathe.

What has taken your breath away?

Who told you not to breathe?

What is your issue?

You have been holding on to your breath.

Holding on, holding on, what are you holding on to? What are you waiting for?

Why hold on to breath. Why not hold on to the one who gave you breath.

What is your solution? Why bother coming up with a solution? What is the problem you are trying to solve?

Just breath. Just fill yourself with my breath. Who gave you breath?

Who is your source? Who are you relying on? What is your foundation? What holds you up?

Seriously what holds you up?

What are you standing on? Why are you waiting for the ground to become solid?

Again, what are you standing on?

Is that not your foot upon the water!!!!

How did you get there? Who told you to come?

Who is it that holds you up?

Who orders your steps? You have walked in my footsteps for so long and yet you wonder how you got here?

You went out not knowing where you were going, not knowing the way, but you now know “the way”

You question yourself and wonder how you got here. Just ask me and stay in wonder!

For is it not wonderful, it is not full of wonder! Is not your solution to just stay in wonder. For I have given you wonder in the place of fear, purpose in the place of pain, freedom in the place of constraint, peace in the place of conflict.

You say this is the “battlefield of the mind”, yet have you not my mind. Inhabit my thoughts, yes move in, be moved only by my thoughts.

What happens when you are in wonder, what happens in that place of wonder? Thats right ahhhhh!, say ahhhh!

For it is what you ponder, it is what your regard, it is what you hold on to that impacts your breath.

Did not my first impact cause you to breathe?

When you look from the outside in, you pause in wonder, you are struck with awe and wonder. And yet when you look from the inside out, you freak out in fear and alarm for you cannot swim!

Yet who needs to learn how to swim, for you know how to walk, it comes naturally to you.

Why focus on what you cannot do, just respond to my voice.

For you shall leap with joy, yes leap with joy, rise up and leap for joy. For you are no shrinking violet, you are a blossoming flower, and it is going to be blooming wonderful. I promise!

Yes that is right, vier not to the left or the right, just follow my steps, take my path, for you know “the way”!



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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