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Breaking Through

Can you feel the tension rising?

Can you feel the stretch?

For each contraction requires a corresponding stretch.

For the contraction leads to expansion.

The pain gives birth to the pleasure.

The excruciating pain, the greatest pain, gives rise to a new thing.

Causes a new thing to arise.

Gives birth to the new.

The cry announces the birth of that which is new.

The tears flows from the place of the tear.

The place where you are so torn.

The place of greatest pain.

From the place of great affliction.

Oh storm tossed and weary one!

From the greatest pain, shall come the greatest plain.

Bursting forth from the confined place, to the wide open space.

For I am birthing something new.

I am birthing someone new.

The same core elements, yet manifest in a new thing, a new being.

A new being.

A new way of being.

Come into being.

Seriously! Come into being.

From the place of intense pressure, from one side, then another, from within and without, from the depths of your being.

From the depths of your being, shall come a new being.

You can feel it now, you can see it now, what does it look like?

The moulting, the shedding of skin, the breaking of the outer shell, the release of that which is new.

For the shell of a man that you were is now broken.

Can you feel it now?!

Can you see it now?

Birthed from within, yet now visible from without.

For this is the work of my hands.

For you shall not be of the same kind.

A new creation, a visibly new creation, a new creature.

Can that which is being birthed say unto its mother…

Just hold on a moment?
I am not ready?
Wait a moment?
Be still?
Stop crying?
Stop the pain?
Stop pushing?

Try with all your might, push against all you like, you shall be birthed anew.

For the cry of the mother, releases the cry of the new borne child.

The cry of the mother represents the end of the birthing process.

The cry of the new borne announces the birth of a new creation.

One is the final cry of relief, the joy of release, the opportunity to draw a fresh breath.

The other is a proclamation of life, a first breath of so many more to come.

What is it you see right now?

A fully dilated birth canal, at the point of the crowning.

In just a moment.

In just a moment.

In just a moment, the new shall arrive.

The birth of a new relationship.

For when the child is incubated within there is increasing discomfort as it grows and expands. The relationship is purely one of protector and supplier. An organic container designed to carry the weight of the promise to come.

For in the bearing down, in the pushing down, in the pressing upon, in the birthing position, all the pressure is designed to release the promised child.

After the final push the discomfort of the body is no more.

The one who holds that which is conceived, now becomes the mother of the birthed one.

The nature of the relationship is so different.

From drawing food from within, to drawing food from that which was without.

Once connected within, now connected without.

A transition from the source of all, to a source of milk, to a source of joy, a source of love and affection, a mentor, a connector, a guide, a parent.

Train up a child in the way that they should go and they will not depart from it.

For when you walk with The Way, talk with The Way, commune with The Way, they shall know the way, and know no other way!

Here you sit and ponder what the next step is, what the way should look like, I have a question for you.

Could you foresee the way that your children would take?

Did you know their end from the beginning?

What was it that you did for them?

We taught them how to walk, and then how to walk with You!

Just as you remain so close beside them, will you not expect me to do the same for you?

Take another step and I will show you the way.

For it opens up before you now.

The birth is predestined, that which was promised will come to life, jus as you live with that which was promised, that which was barely expressed, when even your desire was only known in part by your very self.

It’s like you want to go back to the checklist and ensure that you have left nothing out, when the girl of your dreams stands before you.

You wonder how you will perform, what you will say, how you will speak, what you will wear, how you will present yourself.

Yet my goodness stands before you, embraces you, loves you just as you are.

But I feel so broken.

Just feel my love.

You can trust me with the next step.

For my love shall lead the way.

My love holds you close.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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