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Break away.

For you have broken away.

Come away.

Get away.

Get away from brokenness.

Get away from that which is broken.

For as you break away I am bringing wholeness.

For you were destined to break the boundary, to be separate from the whole.

To operate beyond the edge of what is known.

To walk upon the uncharted waters.

To rest your foot upon uncharted territory.

To define the path ahead.

To go ahead, yes go ahead, yes go ahead a make a way, define a way for others to follow, to make tracks, to flatten that which gets in the way, to make a way.

For when you rest your foot upon the ground you shall make tracks, you shall define a path.

For you shall tred upon the slingstones that have missed their mark. For you shall stand upon the evidence of all that missed the mark. You shall walk upon all the pieces that did not hit their target. You shall walk upon all the misses. For what came at you, will only serve as a place to rest your foot upon. For you see the pieces on the ground all over the edge. For you see it and look for definition, you look for a way to pull these pieces back into their designated place.

You want to bring the extended pieces, the fragments back into their original spot. Yet these outliers are not meant to come back, but are markers for my extension, of a larger territory that is forming as you advance.

So don’t bring them back.

Expect the gaps to be filled.

Expect more from me.

Expect for that which is on the outs, to be the the marker for that which is to come in.

For it flys out. For the edge appears to be shattered and scattered.

Yet it is not as it seems.

For it is not as it seems.

It is just evidence of the break away.

For I have broken through.

I have broken the whole thing.

I have extended the boundary.

For this is the place of my extension.

For this is just evidence of my reconstruction.

For you demolish that which is small, in order to build that which is large.

In the place of the between.

In the place of the between.

In the place of the between.

In the midst of that which was, and that which is to come.

All you see is the rubble, all you see is the destruction of all that was.

Yet all I see is that which is to come. You see the flattened, barren earth, where nothing could grow.

All I see is a place for building.

All I see is the giant tower that is to come.

You can see it now can’t you?

An image of giant skyscrapers all around, overshadowing a single storey heritage home.

In the natural, you expect the heritage to be lost, the owner selling up all that was, in order for a new owner to build a monstrosity that bears no resemblance to that which was.

Yet what I have for you is a great expansion. What I have for you is a giant home, that represents all that you are, that reflects the heritage of what was, yet makes room for all that is to come.

For you are the break away.

You think of yourself as the broken one. I think of you as the one who extends the boundary.

Whenever you place a stake in the ground, and say to yourself “this is enough for me”, I cause you to look up, and to look out, and to step out. For your territory is so much larger than you are content with. It is in your blood to go out not knowing where you are going. Like your father, your first response is to step out, to jump in, to dive in, to hop in the car and “head north”.

For you are lead by my spirit.

For I am expansive.

For I am not limited.

For I am not content with that which is small.

For whenever your enemy attacks you as you step out, the stones that they fling past you, become the ground upon which you walk.Can you see it now?

It is not what I expected. I was looking for the path, a single path, but now you show me the whole land as far as I can see is covered by the slingstones, is paved by the slingstones.

For your enemy paves the way for you.

Each stone that is thrown towards you is just an invitation to extend your reach.

Yet you must maintain your footing, you must maintain your focus, you must breakaway, you must make a way.

Containment is your opponents intent.

A bursting forth, an overflow, an expansion, an enlargement is my intent.

For the caterpillar becomes the butterfly through the incubator of containment.

That which has limited scope and limited impact, becomes that which has extended reach, has unlimited potential.

For that which can fly is not impeded by the obstacles that rest upon the ground.

For when the time has come.

For when the past has passed.

For when the winter is over and gone.

For when the process is complete.

That which was breaks free in order for that which is to come to burst forth.

For the old gives birth to the new.

For the crawling thing breaks free from that which confines it. When the break away comes, the natural expectation is that the creature crawls out of that which contains it.

Yet that which was is now transformed into that which is to come.

The small movement, now leads to height, and distance from that which it held it securely, that which was its security.

In the break away, a new whole new way has come. In the breaking free, a whole new freedom is birthed.

That which was designed to blend in, to be under the radar, now shouts loudly and distinctively like a beacon across the land.

That which was designed to consume, now becomes a vehicle of distribution, an instrument of reproduction, of production, of growth. It serves as the very vehicle of growth.

Is this not a break from all that you expect?

Is this not a complete paradigm shift?

Is this not a whole new life?

Is this not by design?

Is this not my design?

For I am establishing a whole new territory. I am building a whole new thing. The very weapons the enemy used against you, shall smooth the path ahead for you. The very things that caused you to think twice, to duck and weave, shall become the foundation for your movement, shall ease your movement.

That which once caused you to hide or to step back, you shall now look down upon, you shall now step upon.

You shall step upon that which missed its mark.

You shall only see it as a marker of expansion.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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