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A defining moment.

A moment of definition.

A watershed moment.

A coming together.

A point of inflexion.

A moment of disturbance.

A disturbing moment.

An interruption.

A rupturing of what was.

A breaking open of what was.

A messy birth.

A breach birth.

Coming out feet first.

Coming out standing.

Becoming outstanding.

A bloody mess.

An unconventional birth.

A divergence.

The coming together to give birth to that which is set apart.

A breach birth.

Birthed in the breach.

Standing in the gap.


Yes standing in the gap.

Standing in the place of confinement.

Standing in the moment of release.

Standing in the moment of expulsion.

Stepping into the breach.

In the place of the breach.

In the moment of the explosion.

For you hear the sound of it all like the hull has been breached and the sinking is only a matter of time.

Yet this is the sound of victory.

This is the sound of breakthrough.

This is the cry of a generation.



For in the moment.

For in the moment.

For on the verge.

For in the moment of impending doom.

At the time of the sinking.

They cried out to me.

They declared “Why are you sleeping, don’t you care that we are about to sink!”

And I responded to their cry and stepped into the breach.

And with a word gave them peace instead of their pieces.

It was an inflexion point.

At the end of their rope was not impending disaster but a whole new way.

For I am in the midst, I am in the mist, I am present in your atmosphere.

What will you say to the storm?

Be still and know.

Yet my whole body trembles with stress and pressure. My mind is flooded with everyones stress and visions of the end of the world. Yet my spirit refuses to surrender to it.

And what is it you see now?

Unsheathing a giant sword from my belt and declaring war on my enemy!

Am I not with you?

Have I not given you the power to overcome?

Have I not called you the Repairer of the Breach, and the Rebuilder of Ancient Ruins?

Yet everything is so overwhelming, I feel like a deer in headlights, standing on the highway waiting for the crash.

I know what you want to say….


No need to shout, as I heard you before your lips opened.

My question is why are you taking it?

I agree with your thoughts that in the world it is about “give and take”, yet in my kingdom it is about “giving and receiving”

So why take, when you can receive?

It seems I have lost the ability to receive, or that you have something for me that unlocks the way forward, but I cannot find the key. Lord show me what I have received or what you want to give me that I am not receiving.

I’m cracking up at your reception.

Here let me help you tune in.

I see you trying to untangle yourself from many threads, and the more you try, the more frustrated you get.

I see you trying to separate one thing from the next to try and make sense of it all.

Yet the more you try to identify one thread from another, the more you see another thread being added by me.

I see you standing in the way of the new threads, the new connections, the new paths, the new weaving, the new patterns, the new that is coming.

I see you receiving that like a criticism, yet that is an encouragement.

For you are my needle that sews everything together.

You know nothing about knitting, but remember there is a sequence to it, a process for it, an under, and over, an around.

But the point of the process is to bring wholeness from many different threads.

In the best of weavings there is a front and there is a back.

The front is what is displayed for all to see.

The back often looks much more of a mess, with many loose threads, and unfinished paths.

You feel such a mess behind the scenes, yet don’t want to pretend everything is ok, when you are out and about.

You prefer time with me, to time with anyone else.

But you know I have called you out.

You know that gives I have given you are for public consumption.

For what is the point of a Prophet who talks to himself only you ask?

For you what to say “what is the point of a word that is never released?”

Yet I see you trying to become what you already are!

I know you feel naked and exposed.

Yet is this not the greatest revelation.

These words you hear over and over are from me….

This is a defining moment. For we all have defining moments in our lives. For me the greatest defining moment was marrying my wife. Yet in terms of career my greatest defining moment was watching a TV show called Six million dollar man. Just the opening of the show was enough for you. “We can rebuild him, we can make hime stronger, faster better than he was before”

Is this not a nexus point, the collision between the natural and the artificial?

Yet for you it is personal.

This is the culmination of a dream from so long ago.

This is a defining moment for this generation.

Yet for you it is so much more.

For you are better, stronger, faster than you have ever been before?

What will you do with this great power?

For it bursts forth within you now.

For it cannot be contained.

You will be so powerful that you will utterly dominate your enemy.

For who needs Artificial Intelligence when you have my revelation?

Yet Lord I have no idea how to manifest that, and it seems I have no opportunity to give the gifts that you have given me.

Yet my power knows no bounds, cannot be contained, cannot be restrained.

I know you HATE being allocated, but what if your next role opens the door to a life you have never known, and yet always wanted.

Am I not the one who is ordered your steps.

Here is something for you to TAKE.


BE SEATED on my seat of dominion.

TAKE a seat with my authority.


Yet when I come out, it seems that I am being attacked on every side, in ways that I have never been before, in areas that really matter to me.

I know what you are going through.

But for the joy set before me I endured.

You know the answer to your dilemma.

When I contain my passion I become a monster, when I release my passion the world changes for the better.

It is time to be bold, it is time to behold, it is time to release my power, it is time to release my vision, it is time to release my fire.

Repeat after me “For it becomes you!”

I’m struggling with that Lord, for all the things that defined me, are no longer in my life. The Dream car, the Father, the Mother, being a parent, being a leader.

Yet one thing remains.

You were never one to shy away from standing out in a crowd.

It is time to stand.

It is time to take a stand.

It is time to stand in the gap.

It is time to break with the normal, the traditional.

There is no wonder everything is upside down in your life right now.

For now when you step forward there will only be upside. Whatever was down is now facing up, is now looking up.

For you will come out standing.

You will be outstanding.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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