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Boiling Point

And it burns.

And it burns before you.

And the fire burns before you.

And the sparks fly upwards!

With such intensity.

Red hot.

Boiling point.

The place where the steam rises.

You can feel it so strongly.

And the sweat pours from your pores.

A baptism of fire.

An explosion of fire.

An eruption of fire.

A river of fire.

The very land on fire.

Boiling point.

For my fire cannot be quenched.

My fire cannot be put out.

A refining fire.

A refreshing stream.

A cooling stream.

A purifying stream.

Anyone who places their hand in will be clean.

In an instant recovery.

In an instant healing.

In an instant a new covering.

In an instant refreshed.

For my fire burns within you.

For my fire rages within you.

For my fire crackles within you.

Stretch forth your hand and ignite my fire.

For it blazes within you.

For it rises within you.

For it causes those touched by it to arise.

It is time to release my fire.

It is time to light a fire.

Flowers of fire.

Blossoms of fire.

All consuming fire.

Fire that does not consume.

Fire that empowers.

Fire that brings life.

For in your hand I have placed my fire.

The warmth of your hand shall bring forth growth.

Place your hand upon the barren ground and see the growth burst through.

Yet there is a step before.

A new flow.

A fresh flow.

An overflow.

A flow over.

A refreshing flow.

A pouring out.

The breaking of the box.

The shattering of the box.

The breaking of limitation.

The overflow over the boundary line.

Beyond the line.

For in the designated place.

For in the place I have designated I will pour out.

For this is no daubing of oil.

This is a drenching with oil.

Not something that can be hidden.

Something that is felt.

For those who come close shall feel it.

For it pours from your pores when you pause.

An act of closeness.

A coming closer.

A touching moment.

A moment of the touching.

A moment of intimacy.

A moment of communion.

A communion of spirits.

A moment of momentum.

An unusual experience.

An unexpected moment.

Let it flow, let it flow…

For my love for you cannot be contained.

What I have placed on you shall be known.

For the unknown shall be known.

A new thing revealed.

A new revealing, for a new revelation.

For I have purposed for you to break the mould.

To be the exception.

To show my people a new way.

First the anointing.

First the flow upon the head.

Then the flow over the cup.

For what I have put on you, must come out of you.

For I have given you my sight, my insight, my revelation.

My glory overlaid upon the natural situation.

A burst of activity, a pressing on, a pressure rising, an incitement for excitement.

Yet what I have shown you is so different.

A targeted focus.

Rings of fire, waves of fire, an overflow of fire.

For it was no off handed comment, for I had put my words upon her lips.

“Like oil flowing down Aaron’s beard”

You know that word.

Was it not our first intimate moment?

For I command a blessing, you need to agree with it and walk in it.

For I have set apart a place for you.

A place of the union of spirits.

A place where your spirit dwells with mine.

For unity comes from union with me.

This is vehicle of the flow.

This is the precious ointment poured on the head.

You feel me now don’t you.

I can’t live without your presence.

Invite them to dwell with you in the place of unity.

Invite them into the place of intimacy.

For there is a step before the overflow.

For you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.

For all shall know that I have anointed you.

For they shall see it in the way that you walk.

They shall hear it in the way that you talk.

They shall experience the warmth of my fire.

They shall look upon you and feel the warmth of my love.

For it shall come upon you.

It shall flow upon you.

It shall overflow the edge.

For this is no subtle thing.

This is the time of the times.

For this is the time of the times.

This is the time of multiplication.

This is the time where the one shall overwhelm the many.

For is that which flows, the one thing or the sum of the many things?

For it is a sign of immersion.

It is a sign of that which rests upon you.

It is a sign of what you have been resting in.

What is it you see now?

Fire bursting forth from the water, fire rising up from that which should have extinguished it.

What is it you hear now?

The sound of your many voices having a conversation about me. Brimming with enthusiasm and delight as to what you have planned for us next.

Fear not the next step, for my flow shall supply all that you need.

Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for your love, your precious love.

Yet what is this boiling point, what is the point of the boiling?

Is this not the point at which transformation occurs?

The point where the water is transformed into steam.

The point where that which was contained, now rises beyond the limit of its capacity, from the limited place to the unlimited place.

For there is no limit in this season, for I have broken the boundary line, I have removed the boundary line.

Micah 7:11
In the day that your walls are to be built [a day for building], in that day shall the boundary be far extended and the decree [against her] be far removed.



Hi, I'm Seedcaster

This site is about elevating the word, lifting what God says higher than our circumstance -what we see with our own eyes, our perspectives of knowledge and understanding.

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Elevated Purpose

I am a man of passion, of purpose, but fundamentally one who holds on to God with every fiber of my being. I learnt some years ago that it is one thing to say that I “trust” God,  or that I “have faith”, but it is a whole other level to obediently put that word, that faith into action. 


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